USACE Fort Worth Texas Responds
Denton Greenebelt. A response from USACE Fort Worth, Texas. Some clarity comes, even if by accident.
Explore fly fishing across the Gulf Coast, Texas Hill Country, Oklahoma, and beyond! Join me for regular updates on where to fly fish in Texas, along with top tips, techniques, and gear reviews to enhance your fly fishing game. Learn casting, fly tying, and skiff maintenance, all while discovering new insights into the fly fishing world. With content dating back to 2007, I offer reviews of gear that has stood the test of time – with honesty. Plus, as a professional photographer and videographer, I share tips on improving your own images, including mirrorless and action camera use and reviews.
JTTalsdjs Are you looking for places to fly fish in Texas? Many fly fishers have just moved to Texas, and don’t even realize how many places offer fly fishing opportunities in the huge State. Hit the search box below with a place you have heard of, and it will look through the past 17 years of articles to find your answers. What flies to use in Texas is another question I get a lot. The fly you use depends on the fish you are after! But you can still key in a search for, say, “bass flies” and the articles will appear. And the YouTube channel has demonstrations of my favorite Texas flies, and many of them are also available in PoPs Fly Shop – Texas saltwater and freshwater flies.
Are you looking for places to fly fish in Texas? Many fly fishers arrive here, after having just “immigrated” to Texas. YOU may not realize how many places offer fly fishing opportunities in Texas. Hit the search box below with a place you have heard of, and it will look through the past 17 years of articles to find your answers. What flies to use in Texas is another question I get a lot. The fly you use depends on the fish you are after! But you can still key in a search for, say, “bass flies” and the articles will appear. And the Fly Fishing YouTube Channel has demonstrations of my favorite Texas flies, and many of them are also available in PoPs Fly Shop – Texas saltwater and freshwater flies. If you don’t find what you are looking for? Feel free to hit the CONTACT page to contact me directly!
. When I say, “we?” That friends, is you and me.
In 2008, inspired by the greatest depression (so far), I sub-dubbed this site,”Fly Fishing Culture on the Skids,” and in 2025, Texas Fly Caster still claims that low ground, and a bit more as well. We’re facing forward with new fly fishing story themes for the rest of the 2020’s, the most important being “The Wholistic Fly Fisher ©,” a way of being for those of us who never want to stop fly fishing, and instead want to fly fish more, longer and harder than ever!
IN 2025 – IF you see anything that looks factually inaccurate, feel free to bring it to my attention – HERE in the POST COMMENTS. I will no longer respond anywhere else – to any feedback on stories of any kind. That means Instagram, Facebook and email feedback on stories and articles that appear here WILL NOT BE RESPONDED TO! After eighteen years, you’re going to have to buck up folks!
Not a typical Monday in any way! The Texas Fly Fishing Report is now on the PODCAST for Today’s Sidewalk. https://youtu.be/82PNMtuOGN8
Monday Morning mea culpa. And the stir crazies take center stage this time of year in North Texas.
Blue River Fly Classic announcement just in time! Deadline for entry February 12,2025.