Fly Fishing in Texas The Hottest Spot

Fishing reports from the Texas Hill Country, to the Lower Laguna Madre. Or, maybe it’s your own back yard? You are in the right place for finding information and stories about fly fishing in Texas. This is your source for unraveling the mysteries, myths and legends since 2007! Texas Fly Caster is a multi-sectioned old school newspaper thinly disguised as a website. It’s the longest running ACTIVE website dedicated to Texas fly fishing. There’s a great new fly shop too!

JTTalsdjs Are you looking for places to fly fish in Texas? Many fly fishers have just moved to Texas, and don’t even realize how many places offer fly fishing opportunities in the huge State. Hit the search box below with a place you have heard of, and it will look through the past 17 years of articles to find your answers. What flies to use in Texas is another question I get a lot. The fly you use depends on the fish you are after! But you can still key in a search for, say, “bass flies” and the articles will appear. And the YouTube channel has demonstrations of my favorite Texas flies, and many of them are also available in PoPs Fly Shop – Texas saltwater and freshwater flies.

Are you looking for places to fly fish in Texas? Many fly fishers arrive here, after having just moved to Texas. YOU may not realize how many places offer fly fishing opportunities in this huge State. Hit the search box below with a place you have heard of, and it will look through the past 17 years of articles to find your answers. What flies to use in Texas is another question I get a lot. The fly you use depends on the fish you are after! But you can still key in a search for, say, “bass flies” and the articles will appear. And the Fly Fishing YouTube Channel has demonstrations of my favorite Texas flies, and many of them are also available in PoPs Fly Shop – Texas saltwater and freshwater flies. If you don’t find what you are looking for? Feel free to hit the CONTACT page to contact me directly!

. When I say, “we?” That friends, is you and me.

LETTING IT FLY! More Than Fly Fishing … Since 2007

Bienvenido a Texas 2024! The Friendly State

I look at the fly fishing culture like the photographer I still am; with a wide angle lens, and then drill down to a macro perspective. The wide view? It includes just about anything and nearly everything. The macro view? Fly fishing refreshments like microbrews and cultured coffee roasters, food, wellness, art, travel and music seem to be the evenly mixed ingredients. In 2008, inspired by the greatest depression (so far), I sub-dubbed this site,”Fly Fishing Culture on the Skids,” and in 2024, Texas Fly Caster still claims that low ground, and a bit more as well. I am trying my hand at bilingual videos, and stories already translated to Spanish. We’re facing forward with new fly fishing story themes for the rest of the 2020’s, most important being “The Wholistic Fly Fisher ©,” a way of being for those of us who never want to stop fly fishing. Then, there will be the sidebar adventures thanks to the 1970 Airstream Safari rebuild that will be done soon. Where will it go? Subscribe, and ride along! T0 READ MORE ABOUT THE ORIGINS see – ABOUT WHY WE FLY FISH¡EL ORIGINAL FLYISTA! 2024

texas fishing news
The History of Bois d’Arc Lake: Texas’ Newest Reservoir

The History of Bois d’Arc Lake: Texas’ Newest Reservoir

| October 4, 2024 | 0 Comments

Let’s Chat about Bois d’Arc Lake, the newest reservoir in Texas. Chatgpt already has the lowdown on this exciting new, fishy lake.

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Veteran’s Fly Tying Starts Soon!

Veteran’s Fly Tying Starts Soon!

| October 1, 2024 | 0 Comments

Denton Veterans fly tying starts soon! Make sure you do all the preliminary work to get into the classes. Then join us at the Art Room!

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Monday Morning and The Club Life

Monday Morning and The Club Life

| September 30, 2024 | 0 Comments

Join a fly fishing club? We take a look at the state of fly fishing clubs in Texas. The club life has its pros and cons. A look at Texas Clubs 2024-25

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Another Fly Fishing Domino Falls

Another Fly Fishing Domino Falls

| September 27, 2024 | 0 Comments

A Texas fly fishing game of dominos brings a game of chance to the ultimate game of chance – fly fishing in North Central Texas.

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