shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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shannon's Latest Posts

Weekend Fly Fishing News Report

| July 26, 2024 | 0 Comments

Time to end July and get ready for the August fly fishing news report – because fish never sleep. We get a look at some Texas Dam action in this episode.

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TPWD Released 1 Billionth Fish into Texas Waters July 10

TPWD Released 1 Billionth Fish into Texas Waters July 10

| July 25, 2024 | 0 Comments

TPWD stocked their 1-billionth fish on July 10! Now prepare yourself for the rest of the story – Coming Next Week – inequities in fish stocking TPWD Prairies & Lakes Region based on population.

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History Now Takes A Bow

History Now Takes A Bow

| July 22, 2024 | 0 Comments

History writes itself, and now we move on to find fish in time and space in front of us.

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TPWD Completes Groundbreaking Bass Tracking Study

TPWD Completes Groundbreaking Bass Tracking Study

| July 21, 2024 | 0 Comments

This TPWD study is one many have been waiting for. Results were published a couple weeks ago. Now, results need to be tested.

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