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Monday Morning Blues

The Curtain Goes Up

I spent most of yesterday working on this new video for the Texas Fly Casters out there who were probably what ever happened to the guy who was throwing out videos left-and-right the last six weeks. It wasn’t even close to a creative block – is my answer. It was more like a creative overload. And if you watch the video, I think you’ll understand.

I have shot hundreds of videos now, and when it comes to these Texas fly fishing “updates” I like to make it as easy on myself as possible. Not this time though.

There is nothing quite like NORTH Texas heat, not even South Texas heat really compares anymore.

I had to move my dog-and-pony show inside to escape the heat, and that meant retrofitting a video studio into my tiny little fly shop … quite a trick. On top of that, there was that tiny learning curve on how to superimpose one video onto another, onto a still … and on and on. That went fine, and although it needs even more tweaking, the result will be something to look back on as a “time piece” for one hot as he-double-hockey-sticks summer in North Texas.

The list of video to do’s reads like a mashup of topics that may not impress a bag of potatoes though. We are about to break some new ground – selling art on your Texas Fly Caster YouTube Channel, and the plugs for the fly line mats (look left people) will be coming more constantly for the remainder of their useful lives. It is what it is, and what it has to be is — very successful.

It is entirely possible, once the fly line mat sales and production moves elsewhere, that I can make many more videos per month than I am currently making, and with more than 3100 subscribers? It may be time to actually get serious about this. Hmmm, maybe I should Google, “when is it time to get serious about your YouTube Channel,” and read what the mighty Goog has to say about it? But why? In reality, we’re looking at a “phase” before the final phase – studio Airstream is live and on the road. Imagine that if you will.

The little piece of video on carp, caught on what would’ve been my Mom’s 83r’d birthday, was a consolation prize – after the wind blew the top off the lake, and I had to abandon a “sand bass for tacos” run on Ray Roberts. I’ll be catching them sooner, or later, and we are going to add some green trout to the table fare this year as well. They say bass taste like their water, and Ray Roberts water is clear as a bell now, and it’s Dallas drinking water after all! Be sure to CONTACT ME about booking a challenging carp trip today! There are dates open, and this is the year – THE year.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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