RSSFly Rods

Monday Morning Sidewalk Run

| June 25, 2018 | 0 Comments

The Bayou City Greetings to all from hot, humid Houston, Texas! I thought I would take a minute and just let you know – it rained about six inches over four day last week. I wish we could get some of that for North CENTRAL Texas! If you didn’t watch the last Texas Fly Fishing […]

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Monday Afternoon Sidewalk

Monday Afternoon Sidewalk

| June 11, 2018 | 1 Comment

Good Monday afternoon! Welcome to the Sidewalk of life. This is the day and place where any and all topics are fair game, but the fairest of all if fly fishing. If you are only here on Mondays, you may have missed the fact I got blown off the water last week, and also got […]

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Friday Texas Fly Fishing Report

| June 8, 2018 | 0 Comments

Weather a Big Variable This Week Folks in Dallas are still picking up the pieces after a severe storm pelted the area with huge hail and damaging winds early Wednesday morning. I believe they estimated the damage at $400-million, with 25-thousand cars and 40-thousand homes taking the brunt of golf ball to baseball sized hail. […]

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Texas Fly Fishing Report 060118

| June 1, 2018 | 1 Comment

Where to Fly Fish in Texas Axiom 2 Fly Rod Tease Hello to those of you who still read! I am glad you read, and hope you also watch this new Texas Fly Fishing Report that covers Texas – once over lightly. That is really all we need isn’t it? Anyway, have a watch, and […]

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