Fly Fishing Facts on Fast Friday
fly fishing in texas freshwater fisheries center
Facts are easy to find today!
It’s a fact that it’s Friday, and the last day of most of our work weeks. That means the fly fishing, and thoughts of fly fishing begin now.
It is First Friday Denton, an event that would lead you straight into the right frame of mind for other fly fishing pursuits the weekend may hold. Check it out at, and on facebook at – First Friday Denton. Denton is finally on the way to fulfilling the promise it has offered – to musicians, artists and culture seekers, and attending an FFD event is a great way to get a taste. Denton is ready! Are you?
Contact me if you want more details on what Denton, Texas, has to offer you!
It’s a fact that tomorrow is the date for one of the prominent events for fresh water fly fishers in Texas. The Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens, Texas, is host to their annual Fly Fish Texas event, and as I said earlier this week it’s a great chance to expose young people to the sport and learn a lot – A LOT – about fly fishing in a single fun-filled day.
According to the schedule, my “show” will be at 3pm. in the Anhauser-Busch Dive Theater, and if you saw the presentation last year, this one is completely new and different. What can I say? If the last week has proven anything, it is that things change! This presentation is titled “Fly Fishing for Common Carp in Texas – New Conditions – New Tactics,” but if all you do is learn about new challenges for fly fishing for carp, you would be selling the whole event short. Be sure to catch as many of the speakers as you possibly can! Besides, if you are a regular here, you’ve read all I will be saying already!!
It appears very likely that the outdoor activities will be rained in, so I am guessing there will be huge crowds indoors at the Center this time around. That is somewhat disappointing as we typically break out for awhile after the event closes down to fish (a Toyota Sharelunker was caught right next to the center – in Lake Athens – last month) one of the ponds – last year, if I recall, it was rainbow trout out back. Not to mention the fantastic lineup of vendors that are a part of the outdoors events every year.
You may have noticed the disappearance of some of the functions on the Texas Fly Caster website. Two things that were adding A LOT of weight to the site, making it slower and less stable, are gone. Those were the “Popular Posts” found in the right column, and the “Yet Another Related Post” found attached to bottoms of stories. They are gone for good. We are working to install a cache system that should load these pages faster, but I am going against recommendations for wholesale changes to the site design – just for the sake of speed. It’s a balancing act.
If you want to find related posts, be sure to “search this site” over there on the right. That search box is google powered, and will find everything you’re wanting from this site.
I have been threatening to do a wading boot review for some time now, and it is turning out to be more of a beginner’s overview of boot selection, and a wearable review of the newest pair of SIMMS lightweight wading boots – the “Vapor Boot” – you won’t want to miss. How many pairs of wading boots do you have?
NOTE – As always, I appreciate your coming along for the ride! The ride has gone almost seven years now, and the journey has been something else hasn’t it!? As the road makes the twists and turns, some of you may like some of you may not, I like to check in and make sure Texas Fly Caster isn’t completely lost and headed for a dead end. Please take the time to hit the new SURVEY where you can put your 2-cents-worth in (no, it’s free) on the site, funding the site to fund the adventures so many apparently like to read. No information is gathered from you except the survey results. I will be pushing this survey very hard until I get enough results to begin to form the basis for actions to benefit the Texas Fly Caster website, so I guess you’ll have to get used to the “plug” – SURVEY – and the link to that survey page is always at the top website menu.
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