Texas Fly Fishing Report and Fly Fishing Tips
Texas fly fishing #flyfishing Houston fishing show houston sand bass fishing
Gears are shifting again this week. Although North Texas is stuck in Granny Gear, there’s the Troutfest down on the Guadalupe, the action out in the Louisiana Marshes doesn’t seem to be letting up, and there’s a big FISHING SHOW in Houston, Texas, next weekend. It’s an awful website, but who cares? This will be an event to attend, not just read about.
It just so happens that show in Houston coincides with the Houston area sand bass runs that have already started – males first! I will be flying blind for that, but can’t avoid thinking about the salt … being so close to that action. I will also be checking local sand bass hangouts for signs of life starting this weekend – and letting subscribers know where, when and how to capitalize on these taco-sized fish.
If you take a little time to watch the video, you will hear talk about a new (new to me anyway) fly rod manufacturing “startup” called Marsh Fly. I had an extensive conversation with Steve https://www.facebook.com/Marshfly, and he has some exciting plans for creating fly rods for Texas Saltwater and much, much more. The Marsh Fly website doesn’t look to be quite running yet.
- – Information on the sand bass run in Houston area
- – Information on fly tying for sand bass
- – Clear Cure Goo tip for using their light