AdventureBackcastingBody-Mind-SoulDenton Trinity River Greenbelt CorridorEating and DrinkingFishing ReportsFly Fishing for RedfishFly Fishing for TroutFly ShopsLos Pescadores Coffee and OutfittersLower Laguna MadreNorth TexasSaltwater Fly Fishing TexasStore Merchandise

Monday Morning Washing

Floods Continue on Local Lakes

Welcome to North Texas in Summer! In case you were wondering where I disappeared to, it was back home again to South Texas and the still normal, level tidal Lower Laguna Madre that only closes for hurricanes and even then, barely at all.

I’m starting to have a chip on my bony shoulders. Whether you know it or not, Lake Ray Roberts is shut DOWN. I was driving around it yesterday, Father’s Day, and the parks are closed, and by what I can see, just sitting there – moving at government speed. Ray Roberts Dam, the continuation of the (USACE controlled) Elm Fork of the Trinity River was flowing big, but hardly big enough. Lewisville Lake is still under pressure because of its high levels, but I am sure that the dam at the Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area (LLELA) is turning loose a few tons a second as well.

Super calm Lower Laguna Madre water, and a super excited redfish – just before he flew away green, as green can be. Calm is good, but it gets VERY HOT on an angler!

Coming home to this is enough to make a fly fisher want to hitch up the boat and LEAVE. Go somewhere where things are more normal and predictable. All I know is this a’int it. What a truly imperfect season in North Central Texas. Enough whining though …

The weeks ahead will be pretty scattered, from learning how to wrap rods at Sawgrass Fishing Rods in Dallas, to the continued laying of bricks around the DRY home – before temperatures assume their position of 100-degree regularity. In between, I have to find somewhere to let off the fly fishing steam that builds, and it is time to start assembling a NEW Texas Fly Fishing News Report for those of us who watch YouTube Fly Fishing Videos.

The bounty of speckled trout on the Lower Laguna Madre reminds me of my childhood days there. Specks are everywhere and getting bigger, and bigger – thanks to the regulations!

Days are Long

At least we have a lot of daylight these days, but we are rushing toward the longest day of the year on, believe me or not, June 20th. This is my least favorite day – simply because they start getting shorter. But if you have been following along over the decades, you already knew what my solunar preconditions were!

The Days Ahead

I hope you are looking forward to the clips I am including with the new News Reports. Will those be broken out into their own long form videos? Probably not. Another week on the Lower Laguna Madre could have made more footage, but time was not on my side. But, below images are pulled from the solo video I captured. Also in the days ahead? A good look, for the first time anywhere, of Los Pescadores Coffee and Outfitters – with clarity, truth and objectivity. To sum up that business startup I did on South Padre Island, Texas? Damn good, but YOU be the judge.

I am also settling in to my new set for doing these new videos. It may not be pretty, I certainly lost my looks along the way, but I am just a messenger, and I still think you’ll enjoy the fly fishing message! That YouTube Channel may not interest you, but I have discovered while doing some backwash work on it – a lot of people DO LIKE IT for the little nugget of whatever they were looking to know. Give it a try!

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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