Memorial Day Weekend
Playing It Safe
Just a little reminder that we are looking at one of those – THOSE – weekends starting now. It goes without saying, but is worth repeating (how do you like that one?), “Stay off the water, if you have that option this weekend.”
I have made it a habit to avoid a few things in life, besides sweat labor whenever possible; bass tournament weekends, holiday weekends and as I rapidly get older and more cranky? weekends in general – in Texas, on just about any waterbody.
If you do go, it may be time to think again about a Texas State Parks Pass. You can find information on the money saving passes here – Texas State Parks Passes. To give you an example of savings, entry fees are some of the highest in the State right here on Lake Ray Roberts. At $7.50 a person in the car? You do the math, for those who are into such things, and it takes very little addition to realize the benefit of a pass at $70-dollars a year. And that gets you into any Texas State Park!
Waiting For Rain
I am looking for a rain trigger to happen at the right time, and Tuesday would be just fine! We need a cooling influx already, and the main reason is to once AGAIN THIS YEAR go find those grass carp wandering the flats of Ray Roberts completely unmolested. The superspooky escapees on Ray Roberts water have tails that are almost legal-sized in some cases (that’s 12-inches tip-to-tip), and the likelihood they are still alive is very high – due to their wariness. Honestly, there is a lot of luck involved with getting tight with one of these freshwater Mobys. I have noticed, over the years of pursuit, they are very sensitive to bright days (think about their physiology) and cooler water temperatures.
For the record, the State record that is, Danny Scarborough still holds that grass carp Texas State record for one he caught in Houston. That fish weighed in at 16.5-pounds, and Danny’s record has stood since 2014. So nine years? That is a long time to be king of the grass carp world, isn’t it?
If You Do
If you do decide to stay in? Be sure to check out the Texas Fly Caster YouTube Channel! I am about halfway through clearing my deck of videos that have stacked up, and some of them, like the Larry Haines series of videos, will take up a couple hours of your time before you realize it’s even gone! And if you really love to watch history in the making, be sure to visit the Mill House channel as well. I only wish I had been granted the time to get done what really needed doing while I was at the Fish Camp South, but who knows what our futures hold?
Thanks once again for reading along. Put some gas in your tank, after the weekend price gouge, and get ready; I feel the road coming on again.