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Blue River Rambling

BRO in a Day – Show and Tell

Blue River, Oklahoma, the BRO – is the best place you can go within a 200-mile range of Dallas Fort Worth IF you want to fly fish for stocked rainbow trout this season.

The fish are not necessarily that much better than those stocked in the Lone Star State, but if you are wanting a real experience, in beautiful habitat and with the sound of water rushing by your feet, and the sight of aquifer fed water clear enough to drink? About 90-miles from my house, a Texas-sized stone’s throw – across my big back yard, lies the BRO.

Leave those poor Texas stockers for the kids at the little ponds and tepid tailwater spots – all over North Texas – and take a relaxing ride into the Oklahoma countryside. The Blue River cuts through some otherwise average South Central Oklahoma landscape, and the prime of it is just north of the town of Tishomingo.

Drive through just about any town of size in Oklahoma these days, and you’ll quickly notice that Oklahoma has legalized medicinal marijuana. That puts that State one giant step ahead of Texas at the end of 2023, especially for those of us who battled cancer!

We take a look at the fly fishing gear you will need for a day in Oklahoma, as well as flies that are guaranteed to work on the Oklahoma stocker trout population. And I roll out a new landing net by a company called, The Measure Net. The company sent me a couple of nets to try out, and you can bet I will be carrying the Medium Measure Net the next time I hit the catch-and-release area, because that’s where the slabs live … and get slabbier and slabbier all winter long.

That area turns to a kill area March 1 of every year, and you better believe the kill is on when that date rolls around. I take you on something of a tour of the Blue River areas, and if you want to just dive in, just check links below for my Blue River Playlist. It stretches way back in time.

This episode we visit a cool spot below the main park / low water crossing. Then we make our way back up to the water crossing (major catch-and-kill action there) before heading over to look at the east and west side catch-and-release parking lots and signage.

In those past videos, I have made it up to the catch-and-release honey holes walking, and then riding a bike. The bicycle ROCKS at the Blue’s catch-and-release area – hands down, it’s the best way to get there. Thanks for watching the Ramble, and please like and subscribe to the Texas Fly Caster YouTube Channel so we can keep on ramblin’ down the road.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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