Archive for May, 2021

Grey Monday on the Sidewalk

Grey Monday on the Sidewalk

| May 10, 2021 | 0 Comments

Touching base before heading to Houston again this week. Texas spring is late this year. Maybe winter will be late as well.

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Monday Morning Skipping Out

Monday Morning Skipping Out

| May 3, 2021 | 0 Comments

I am out today! And when I say, “out,” you know what I mean. I will be back in soon. Meanwhile, enjoy your 90-degree day here in Texas. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

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Texas Fly Fishing Report – ON THE AIR!

Texas Fly Fishing Report – ON THE AIR!

| May 1, 2021 | 0 Comments

This is the first REAL report for 2021! Not that the others were fake news, but we finally are into the groove, and the groove is about a month later than it was a few years ago. Call it what you will, but I say the calendar is out of whack. I am getting in […]

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