February Monday Morning
Yes, I have to remind all my fly fishing friends, in all caps: IT’S STILL ONLY FEBRUARY! And it is not even the middle of February here in North Central Texas. The Panhandle got snow last night and it reached all the way to where I caught this nice little bass on Friday – Lake Amon G. Carter, outside Bowie, Texas.

February Fly Fishing for North Texas Bass – GO Low and Slow
Caught on one of my reliable GO TO flies, the Wakanda Clouser, this baby girl was a soft take at probably six feet depth and a very s l o w retrieve. When Upstream on the Fly needs to do his guiding research, I am always glad to pitch in and help him find ’em! Forty-nine-degree water temperature and a new view of an old lake that goes back to my time working on the Barnett Shale, a dozen or so, years ago. Click on that link if you want to be transported to another time, and another writer – in the same person! I did learn enough way back in 2011 about fly fishing that lake – to be of help catching this, one and only, fish Friday, February 9.

We did get a good enough look at Amon G AND the connected SCS8 Reservoir to swear on a stack of fly boxes that we would be back when the warming starts. Amon G Carter is what I call, “a manageable lake.” It is small enough to hit almost all the spots on those long days, and the variations in habitat are waiting to be had. The lake is low right now, but snow and rain will help that situation.
At some point, since 2011, I did fly fish Amon G. Carter by kayak and more recently (in the last seven years) by skiff. It appears I never wrote anything about those outings though. I am left to guess that means there were no fish caught on those adventures. More posts about my time fly fishing days and nights on the Barnett Shale are below. It was a grinder.
- Deep in the Heart of Texas https://texasflycaster.com/fly-fishing-culture-deep-in-the-heart-of-texas/
- Break Your Momma’s Back https://texasflycaster.com/monday-sidewalk-cracked/
- Out Here in the Middle https://texasflycaster.com/fly-fishing-for-largemouth-bass-at-amon-g-carter-lake-out-here-in-the-middle/
- Looking For Fish Out Here in the Middle https://texasflycaster.com/looking-for-fish-out-here-in-the-middle/
Remember folks, as you hit this website: That search box will fill your head with all kinds of crazy ideas! Stories about fingerless well fishers in the oil fields, fires, droughts, floods … hell, this website is approaching biblical now! There are morality issues, sickness and health, gains and losses, droughts and floods, locusts, brainless threats from law firms … heck, even a death threat to start the whole thing off way back when. Loose writing becomes tight, and all along the way you will see the grind begin to polish. Yes, Got SIG.
Category: Adventure, Backcasting, Fishing Reports, North Texas, On The Road