Turn Around and It’s Over
Whoa! This week flew by while I wasn’t even looking. The weather has put North Texas fly fishers at a distinct disadvantage this week, as (I’ve been too busy to look at weather reports) it seems a cool front is running over us and backing up over us again – as a warm front – about every thirty-six hours.
I have noticed some increased activity on Lewisville Lake, and while water levels on North Central Texas continue to decline, access to these fish starts to hit primetime. Be sure to get all your vaccinations before fishing that lake!
Lake level at Ray Roberts is taking choke points, like the mouths of coves and pushing them past the productive stage right into a pattern where the water is just too shallow. HOWEVER, those locations can produce when we get a strong wind into a cove that blows bait in, and when the wind changes or recedes, the bait tries to come out the extremely narrow cove channels. It’s a slaughter.
Was I the only one who noticed the new cover of the TPWD Outdoor Annual? What’s that in that bass’ mouth?
Work is progressing on the Airstream at a brisk pace now, and for those of you not aware of that project, I have sworn to have it by water, good water, early next year. That means there’s a potential for reporting from waterside locations, guided trips with lodging included, as well as out-and-out mobile adventures. Although currently, that means disappearing from daylight to dark to continue the ground-up rebuild of the 1970 Safari though, and occasional time gaps here. You can follow the progress on that build at the Airstream Diary site.
There’s also the new gig as a “Community Blogger” for AH Belo’s Denton Record Chronicle (DRC). It’s an old daily publication here in Denton, Texas, that is working hard to keep its footing on the shifting sand of demand for modern communication resources. Thankfully, this is an online blog that works with the same wordpress underpinnings that drive Texas Fly Caster. It is truly a labor of love at the DRC, because bloggers are not allowed to self promote, and you know me … a shameless self promoter. If you want to delve into big picture outdoors adventure around Denton, then keep an eye on that blog at the Record Chronicle’s Community Blogger pages. That will probably be an occasional thing, and I want it to be fueled by locals (to Denton) doing local things outdoors. That can be a tall order in the dead of North Texas winters!
I have managed to pretty much avoid doing fly tying videos, but when times get slow enough, there has to be some constructive creative outlet. Look for a new video (finally) out tomorrow – for your weekend fly tying pleasure. It’s a unique way of tying Lefty Kreh’s Seaducer Fly. If you don’t have any of the jig hooks in my fly shop, you can find them there as well as a few other places. That will be the only possible “hard to find” item in this fly recipe.
The music industry is driving me nuts with all the new releases they’ve held until the end of the year (last quarter actually), and now there’s a pile of music to run with, and see who comes out on top this year. I would hate to end my top ten countdown, but unless the industry changes and starts releasing music when it’s ready (instead of shelving it for the Christmas season); it really is impossible to get a bead on music with such a small listening window.
I will be in Edom, Texas, in support of Cimarrona’s presence at Edom Festival of the Arts this entire weekend. I’ve been given a little time to fish, but satellite shows it to be pretty far from water as best I can tell.
For all those fly shop readers who have my post cards and business cards at your shops, feel free to contact me and let me know if you are running low. And if you just want a post card, send me your address and I’ll send you one. You can stow it away for when you are interested in guide services.
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