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Rolling into Fall With Round Rock’s Living Waters Fly Shop Events

texas fly fishing brushy creek bass tournament#flyfishing texas hill country central texas fly shop

Have a gander at the long list of happenings at the highly active Living Waters Fly Fishing shop located right near the middle of Texas in Round Rock. I have to tell you, just from my club experiences, as well as the work I did in creating the Denton, TX, event First Friday Denton, it takes a lot – A LOT – of work to pull off these social events on a consistent basis. Living Waters has consistently been up to the task of gathering their local fly fishers, and sharing knowledge about our spectacular sport.

September Events

Wednesday, September 2nd

Come join us for our regularly scheduled fly tying night. We meet at Pok-E-Jo’s BBQ at 6:00 P.M.for dinner and gather back at the shop around7:00 P.M. for tying. There is round table tying for those wanting to tie their own patterns, and there is also a designated “Fly of the Night,” for which all material and instruction is provided. FLY OF THE NIGHT: Rio Getter

Saturday, September 5th
Special Guest: Kevin Hutchison of Hill Country Fly Fishers

Kevin is a very close friend of Living Waters and an experienced fly fishing veteran.  Kevin has guided Central Texas longer than most, and is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to fly fishing the immediate area and beyond!  Join us for a day filled with friends, laughs, stories, info, tying, and more!  You can learn more about Kevin and his renowned guide service at
9:00 A.M. – Doors Open/Coffee/Round Rock Donuts
10:00 A.M.  – The Story Behind the Book
Fly Fishing the Texas Hill Country is the most comprehensive river access guide available to local anglers.  Originally penned by the late Bud Priddy, the book has evolved much over the years.  Kevin Hutchison has in the recent past, beautifully re-written, updated, and refreshed this invaluable piece of fly fishing literature.  Come and hear more about how the book took shape and how it can serve you on your next Central Texas fly fishing adventure!
1:00 P.M. – Fly Tying for the Texas Hill Country
Kevin Hutchison is an accomplished fly tier, and many of his original patterns are staples throughout the hill country!  Join us as Kevin demonstrates how to tie several of his most effective fly patterns.

Wednesday, September 9th

Come join us for our regularly scheduled fly tying night. We meet at Pok-E-Jo’s BBQ at 6:00 P.M.for dinner and gather back at the shop around7:00 P.M. for tying. There is round table tying for those wanting to tie their own patterns, and there is also a designated “Fly of the Night,” for which all material and instruction is provided. FLY OF THE NIGHT: TBD

Saturday, September 12th
Guadalupe Bass Fishing and Conservation in Texas
10:00 A.M. / Presenter:  Dakus Geeslin – Aquatic Scientist – Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Dakus will highlight the areas anglers should target to catch our state freshwater fish, the Guadalupe Bass, including spring fed streams of the Hill Country to the Lower Colorado River east of Austin.  He will also describe angling gear, techniques, strategies, and flies to use in targeting Guadalupe Bass.  Lastly, Dakus will showcase several of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department conservation efforts aimed at protecting and enhancing Guadalupe Bass and their habitats and how you can help.

Wednesday, September 16th

Come join us for our regularly scheduled fly tying night. We meet at Pok-E-Jo’s BBQ at 6:00 P.M.for dinner and gather back at the shop around7:00 P.M. for tying. There is round table tying for those wanting to tie their own patterns, and there is also a designated “Fly of the Night,” for which all material and instruction is provided. FLY OF THE NIGHT: TBD

Saturday, September 19th
Brushy Creek Guadalupe Bass Conservation Tournament

In light of the previous weekend’s event, we will be hosting a special fly fishing tournament in the name of conservation.  Here’s how it works:  We are going to collect fin clippings from Guadalupe Bass in Brushy Creek for Texas Parks and Wildlife to analyze.  In order to collect them in a large quantity, we wanted to get everyone involved in this project.  Texas Parks and Wildlife will be supplying us with fin clip kits and collection instruction and Living Waters will host the tournament.  Prizes will be awarded for the greatest number of fin clips collected by a single angler.  There will be a fly division and a tenkara division.  All we need to see is a picture of each Guadalupe bass that a clipping was collected from so that we can confirm ID to match the number of fin clips turned in at the close of the tournament.  You must sign in at the fly shop the morning of the tournament in order to compete.  Due to the fact that you will be handling the fish for fin clipping, use of a landing net is highly encouraged to reduce fish stress.  Call the shop at (512) 828-FISH if you have any questions or need additional info.  Tournament schedule is below:

8:00 A.M. – Doors Open/ Tournament Sign In/Coffee/Donuts
8:30 A.M. – Pre- Tournament Briefing and Rules/Fin Clip and ID Instruction
9:00 A.M. – Tournament Begins!
12:15 P.M. – Tournament Ends
12:30 P.M. – Fin Clip “Weigh In” and photo review @ Living Waters

2. You must attend the tournament briefing in order to fish the
tournament. — This is essential so that you know regulations and rules.
3. A Clear Picture (showing markings, profile, etc..) of the fish will be required at the close of the tournament for proof of species.(BRING YOUR OWN DIGITAL CAMERA)
4. Chris Johnson will be confirming bass ID at the close of the tournament and can be contacted during tournament hours for ID questions. Photos in most cases will be able to be seen on the camera screen but if necessary we can download the pictures to a computer for viewing. Bring appropriate, related camera cables if in doubt of your camera’s viewing quality.
5. Abide by property laws — If it says NO TRESPASSING then DON’T TRESPASS!
6.  Tournament Fishing Hours are from 9:00 A.M. – 12:15 P.M.
7.  Photo “Weigh-In” will be held at 12:30 P.M.  For late “weigh in” arrivals, we will deduct a single bass from daily catch per every 5mins late to “weigh in”.
8.  ALL CONTESTANTS MUST HAVE A VALID TEXAS FISHING LICENSE – Keep in mind that they need to be renewed as of September 1st!

Wednesday, September 23rd

Come join us for our regularly scheduled fly tying night. We meet at Pok-E-Jo’s BBQ at 6:00 P.M.for dinner and gather back at the shop around7:00 P.M. for tying. There is round table tying for those wanting to tie their own patterns, and there is also a designated “Fly of the Night,” for which all material and instruction is provided. FLY OF THE NIGHT: TBD

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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