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Monday Morning Washout

The Gift Keeps on Giving

Are you washed away yet? We took another round of rain Sunday, and the chances don’t decrease for today either. I have seen this pattern before, but not in the incredible volume we are seeing it this year. Yesterday’s story on the Super El Nino will fill you in on this weather pattern in case you were wondering. It’s all runoff at this point.

We have to feel pretty bad for those fly fishers and guides who call the rivers of Texas their “home waters” right now. Huge bulges of water, some releases, most runoff, are constantly changing the waterscape for those guys right now. Even those of us who like the stability of lake fly fishing are being taken for an incredible ride this year. JUST REMEMBER: Weather patterns are fish patterns too, or at least a piece of the fish patterning puzzle. It’s best to fish this weather, because these excesses seem to be the new normal – AND THAT’S A PATTERN.

Meanwhile, after weeks of low level tedious mining on the Texas Fly Fishing YouTube Channel, I came to a fresh conclusion; what was old will be new again. Watch this video and you will get my drift. PLUS an aerial view of the damage from the tornado that hit the Sanger Boat Ramp and Marina in that outbreak last Memorial Weekend.

If you don’t have time to watch? I am talking about how the old “Texas Fly Fishing Reports” are coming back to life after laying myself off that job for a long stretch. The reason? As I was going back through all those old reports, I found a lot of little nuggets buried in them – that nobody saw, or even knew were there! So the new “Texas Fly Fishing News Report” will be more accessible – with timelines that take you directly to what you want to see, and a more structured approach to the presenting of information. Add to the NEW reports a cutting of the clutter, like featuring only the BEST spots from now tainted TPWD Fishing Reports, and distinct segmentations that keep this train on the tracks instead of my old freewheeling stream-of-consciousness style presentation. Needless to say, that will be a challenge – FOR ME! And the video ends with yet another downpour of rain! I need a studio! Not really, I am actually transforming The Fly Bar to a point where it is getting comfortable to shoot in again. Just let the rain stop soon!

Salt on the Rim

I only hope the winds die down a bit before I sprinkle some salt on my plate later this week! From what JH said, after getting back from the Arroyo and Port Mansfield, the wind was beyond the pale at 30mph. sustained and gusting higher – for the better part of his two days on the water last week. But that didn’t stop him from catching a big ugly in the guts (between spoil banks) at Mansfield. It’s nice to have some intel that is fresh and unvarnished by having any skin in this game! It is also nice to know they’re still there. JH had some great perspectives on the importance of BALANCE in conditions like these and with a medical change like his. Those details, and his experience, I hope will be part of “The Wholistic Fly Fisher” manuscript at some point.

Father’s Day

I reached out to some DFW fly shops for great Father’s Day gift ideas, and got one response from Tailwaters Dallas. Thanks to Tailwaters. I will run those ideas – before you take my boring format – and run them yourselves.

The Father’s Day format this year is: The gift you would want:

  • for $100 or less
  • for $500 or less
  • for $1000 or less

Seems like a simple enough thing, but everyone has their own favorites, myself included! Tune in for those ideas this week. There is still time for the other stores to make their picks too!


Thank you to those of you who read here, and those who subscribe and watch the Texas Fly Caster Fly Fishing YouTube Channel. We just crossed over the 4-thousand subscribers number on that channel, and that’s the big rub these days … from a balance of writing over video, you may have sensed a shift to video equal to and perhaps, at times, weighted OVER writing. Not to justify the seesaw ride, but I was a photographer decades before writing found me (for what it’s worth), and all the technicalities of video have proven to be stimulating and challenging to my creativity and my aging mind!

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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