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Monday Morning Perfection

If it wasn’t for the weather being perfect this morning? I would be too easy to look forward at the rest of this week, and crawl back in my hole after seeing my shadow. This is the best Monday, and the best last day of January – nothing less.

If you watched my Texas Fly Fishing Update last week (shown below), then you saw that there’s a lot going on down Houston way. You probably already know Bayou City Angler has a new location, but do you know where it is? It’s in the video! IF YOU THINK the regular updates are JUST about fly fishing conditions across Texas? You must not be watching …

If you watched my Texas Fly Fishing Update last week (yes), then you met my new fly co-host. I am slowly dressing “The Fly Fish Chic” who will be a permanent “fixture” on the Patreon Channel and a topic of lengthy discussion there – discussion on the trendiness of fly fishing’s unprecedented explosion in female participation, and what is truly behind the explosion in female fly fishing participation. She’s in the video! Think Thomas Dolby’s “She Blinded Me With Science.” My Chic does not have the “K” in her name – for a reason. K? K? Ok?


Yes, the talking weather-heads are not, I repeat not hedging their bets: Ice and snow for North Central Texas is coming this week, Wednesday leading into Thursday. When they don’t attach any of their phony conditions to a forecast? It’s time to get more logs for the fire. Perhaps you didn’t know that the Texas Fly Fishing Denton Base has its own weather station that I installed in January? Indeed, you too can drill down through the atmosphere (I’ve been watching too much Mandalorian) to my weather station through the MAP. And as a matter of my own “scientific” discovery, that APP will also take you to lakefront properties with weather stations – at places, like Lake Ray Roberts, Texas! Here is that Station on the Shores of Lake Ray Roberts .


Would you believe there are not one BUT TWO more fly fishing shops opening in Texas this year? Monday Morning 2 comes out this afternoon, and I will fill you in on the two new shops, vastly different in form and function, coming into focus in 2022. The ink is barely dry on one of the locations, and the second? The second, much closer to home base, is still looking for a location. Read all about them in today’s Monday Morning 2 out at NOON today!

Lone Star Outdoor News

Be sure to pick up the latest Lone Star Outdoor News and send in laurels (or darts) to the editor and/or publisher there! Please! It’s such a non-controversial topic – How to Certify Your Fly Fishing Scale – “A Matter of Scales” P.1, and was covered last week on my YouTube Channel – Certifying a Fishing Scale For Record Pursuits. I would love to be more “controversial” than a scale story! So what’s your story? SHAKE IT UP as the Cars once sang …


In all probability I will end this week in Houston, Texas. In the meantime, I will continue to run out new video(s) on the YouTube Fly Fishing Channel known as Texas Fly Caster. Some content will also continue uploading at the Patreon Subscription Channel “Fly Fishing” as well. One video in particular, on a new design for Shallow Water Pickups and what I think is the last most necessary piece of the puzzle that is Running Your Skiff in Texas Skinny water. Pickups have been done before, but this one is made to work, and work hard!

If I do happen to get stranded in North Texas for the February 3 Blizzard, be sure to check out my Instagram pages, Texas Fly Caster and Shannon Drawe Photography for images and maybe some chili video. 

COME BACK NOON TODAY FOR Monday Morning Sidewalk 2 – Two New Shops Coming to Life and Denver’s newest fly shop visited this past weekend.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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