Monday Morning Melt
Even in the house, my Klondike Bar melted like a stick of butter on a warm skillet last night. When will it end?
The Texas heatwave of 2023 has yet to show any signs of mercy, but we know we always get a little mercy … eventually. The upside is that it does extend the carp fly fishing season into October, a fact that used to be exceptional now seems to be the rule. What it all means for the Texas Gulf Coast, and my Lower Laguna Madre giant honey hole? WE will just have to find out for ourselves – in coming weeks and months.
Just In Case
Just in case you missed it, there were a flurry of new videos unleashed in the last few days on the YouTube Channel, and the kicker came yesterday with a new Sunday article provided by Chat GPT:
- The History of Fly Fishing by Chat GPT –
- Lat July Lower Laguna Madre Video Update –
- Lantana Flats Insider Video now Public! –
- Exposing Lantana Flats Part 1 now Public! –
- Fly Fishing Sanger Boat Ramp now Public! –
- August DFW Carp fly fishing Report –

That should be enough to keep you entertained for a little while, indoors, out of the heat and maybe in your offices and cubicles. And once you are done with what you want to watch there, check out the Texas Fly Caster / Pops Fly Shop launch that happened last week! No small affair any longer, you can now find so many of my products, and a growing taste of the the art I have personally collected – that you can now own too! The art collection may look like a hodgepodge garage sale at first, but rest assured there will be a pattern that emerges from the artists I have selected to represent here (and elsewhere). The art you see now is a small portion of the art that is yet to come.
And of course we have ramped up the flies for sale here, made here, by me for you, and not made in Africa or any other Continent. While I have some generic flies, I am also open to talk with you about what you would need for any particular destination, and make recommendations for selections that work for you. Be sure to be discerning wherever you choose to buy flies! I promise you, there are a ton of flies being sold unscrupulously (predominantly by non brick-and-mortar stores) – for a profit margin instead of for quality and durability. And, yes there are some very good flies being sold elsewhere as well! But that is the vast minority of what you find out there in the wild world of internet.
Don’t Lose Sight
Don’t lose sight of the fact we have windows of fly fishing opportunity every morning, and for about four hours after the glowing sun hits the water – to fly fish and catch fish – before the breath of the hounds of hell blows down our necks. Mornings on Lake Ray Roberts are actually quite pleasant and if you are sticking your toes into my new campaign to become a WHOLISTIC FLY FISHER, an early lake swim or bike ride are best by your Texas waterbodies wherever you are! Go early, get off early. It’s pretty simple.
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