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Monday Morning Going On

I admit it. I am a bit mesmerized by the series on Apple “1971: The Year That Music Changed Everything.” I guess I was a little young then – believe it or not – and I didn’t catch what was going on until a few years later. But, what a great music documentary this one is. It kind of lays to waste all the other individual band docs that have come before, and it does a great job of teaching some (I hate to say the word) history lessons as well. Check it out –

I was on the flats Sunday at Ray Roberts, and it is so funny to have a tourist along who had “no idea” the area “looked like this” even though they had fished here years ago. It hasn’t changed amigos. The perspective, from standing on a casting platform with you eyes eight feet above the water is what has changed. One thing we did break down is: Many bass beds being made, and the males laying in wait. They’re easy to see, but how do we catch them? Or, do we catch them? I have been anti-bed dropping for a long time, but … yes, I have done it once or twice.

Fly Fishing Film Tour

The F3T Tour is packed up and headed elsewhere now. I think a new observer put it succinctly: “They know how to promote!” It is a good product, but I wish the movies made it to Apple sales sooner than they do, sometimes taking years to appear there.

Bad Beer News

The largest and most prominent brewery in Denton has closed its doors. Armadillo Ale Works, located on the east side of Downtown Denton is no more. While losing a brewery is nothing to cry over, it was the venue for our extremely successful “Leslie’s Holiday Art Market” for a number of years, with the 2021 show being the most successful ever. Where the show goes from here is anyone’s guess. Sad. IF YOU have any idea for a venue for the 2022 show, do not hesitate to sound off! You will be rewarded greatly if you find a venue that works for the huge Denton Texas holiday art show.

Ready Set Go

I am almost ready to come out of the dark and back into the video light … I think. I really don’t know how many folks who read watch, but it really is time to cook a few new originals up for the early spring crowd. I was so enthralled by the bass on beds, I am thinking I want to see if I can get video of that – it’s just so cool and animal instinctive.

Two Days a Week

Honestly, whether you count Friday-Saturday, or Saturday-Sunday? What a fabulous two days of weather were had for North Texas. Amazing really. If we can just get two of those a week, in any order, what a wonderful world that would be! Keep checking back in here, reading and if you’re brave enough COMMENTING on what you see, what you get and what you want from the website or YouTube Channel. Anything that doesn’t scream, “Jack-Ass!” could well be a viable distraction.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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