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Fly Fishing’s Monday Morning Melt Down

texas fly fishing #flyfishing texas report
Good morning and welcome to wherever you arrived this morning! I hope you had a great weekend full of fly fishing and festivities. There’s just not enough time to do video this morning, and do all the other things demanding to be done!

You missed something if you missed the moon last night. It was a “super moon,” and yes it was. Nobody has told me exactly what that does to the tides, but it looked so close that I thought it was dehydrating me … moonburn perhaps?


Around here we are finally getting out and taking a look at the “new” and “improved” Lake Ray Roberts, which is pretty hard to recognize after the additional foot of lake dumped in a couple weeks ago. After a trip to Houston for a photo shoot in the middle of the week, we will get back out there and see how things have changed (once again).


A trip to Port O’Connor, Texas, looms large this month. For me, it will be a turn-and-burn trip – reduced to two days on the boat and almost two days of driving (to and from).

There’s always some kind of fly to tie, some new working concoction that has been working like a new version of an old variation. It’s kind of like the way we look at software updates these techno days, “Version 2.5” just released. Such is the case with some flies Scott Sommerlatte was showing on his Facebook page this past weekend. If you are a “Facebooker,” you might want to look him up. Scott’s website is

I also saw a great image of a tarpon to hand on the Eric Glass Facebook feed. Maybe that will get your blood circulating this morning? He’s also into monster snook down there. Not a lot of guides (seem to) talk about the tarpon opportunities starting to make news along the Texas Gulf Coast. It’s almost as if they are sheltering the opportunity until all the variables are right to let it out for the masses. That seems like a smart thing to do, and a good conservation principle as well. It looks like only a matter of time before Texas Gulf Coast guides will be able to offer tarpon on the fly in a regular and predictable way.

A trip like we do, driving epic miles to get to the Texas coast, always has the potential to go down the storm drain this time of year. Although we haven’t had any named storms in the Gulf of Mexico, now that the weather is becoming more typical, you can imagine the possibility of more typical tropical storm development.


For those of you who have been on board here for awhile, I appreciate your reading the good, bad and ugly all these six years! Time goes by, the website has changed drastically and so has everything you find on Texas Fly Caster. I would like to think the site has kept up with the times, broken a little ground, and made a difference to your knowledge and attraction to fly fishing. Of course there are so many other facets to what is written about here, and I appreciate your indulgence as we take our turns off course, off road, and even into the ditch from time-to-time.

The recent foray into doing more video has already proven to be very popular, if not incredibly labor intensive. It is getting easier though, and as I have said, I am extremely interested in reporting about fly fishing in other parts of the State from other guides and people – on a regular and consistent basis. To that end, I will be highlighting anything I find in the public internet domain from other guides who share it there – while always giving credit to them for the hard work they do. I would always want more direct participation from resources, but know how busy you guides are – when the fishing’s on there’s not much time for anything else.

In the next few days and weeks I will be providing more information about fresh changes coming to the website. Essentially, the website will be blazing a new trail, one that has never been tried before in the fly fishing internet news-blog-information category of websites. Stay tuned.

END NOTE – The editorial on fly fishing clubs (Part 1) comes out tomorrow. It will be a written piece, just so there are no nuances that go challenged. It’s hardly controversial, but for those of you new to fly fishing, your attraction to clubs full of like-minded individuals can be a strong one. Consider this upcoming editorial to be a fair, but cautionary – look before you jump – piece of writing.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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