Captain Billy Trimble at Sportsman’s Finest Austin Texas
Sportsmans finest austin texas billy trimble fly fishing texas saltwater #flyfishing
From Sportsman’s Finest Fly Fishing Department Austin Texas
Join our fly fishing department here at Sportsman’s Finest, Saturday, August 2nd for the following program.
Capt. Billy Trimble will be here giving a presentation on fly fishing for Redfish. He will be covering various aspects of the pursuit of this fine game fish including fly tying, fishing tactics, techniques, and fly casting.
Schedule as follows:
Fly Tying Demonstration from 10am-11am
Slide Show Presentation from 11am-12pm
Fly Casting Demonstration following the slideshow.
Captain Billy Trimble has been fly fishing for Redfish on the Texas Coast for 30 years and has been guiding fly fisherman in the coastal bend for 12 years. Billy is a native of the Hill Country of Texas and was raised on the divide between the Llano and San Saba rivers which he still visits and fishes. Billy, a dedicated fly fisherman has fished for many species including trout in the Rocky Mountains, salmon/trout in the wilds of Alaska, bonefish and permit in the Bahamas & Belize and for every freshwater fish the Texas Hill Country has to offer. Billy has also innovated numerous salt and freshwater fly patterns including the infamous “Blind Chicken”. Billy is currently operating a NewWater “Stilt” poling skiff.
We look forward to having Capt. Trimble join us and graciously share his wealth of knowledge in regards to fly fishing for Redfish.
***This is a free demonstration and you can just show up and join in.
Hope you can join us!
Sportsman’s Finest
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