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Monday Morning Walking on the Backside


Yesterday was a fun one! I made it down to East Dallas to do a story on a young entrepreneur and have that one written – IN MY HEAD – for local rag, The Dallas Morning News. Wish me a little luck on that one. If it does not make print or online, look for them to scoop it up and make it their own, because that’s the world we live in these days. It’s all good though.

Backside of the Moon

I reached out again to my friends up near the Red River who have the private water, “Backside of the Moon,” a beautiful but turbid lake in a setting straight from a John Wayne movie. I was consulting with them over the pandemic and we lost our way when the recommendations came in to drain that lake and start over. That would be some heavy lifting, but I have seen and learned enough about lake and pond management in the meantime to know – that’s what needs to happen.

It was just another of those projects I find myself contributing a lot of time to with the hopes of doing something spectacular … for and with all those involved. Backside would have made a spectacular fly fishing destination lake (much bigger than a pond!), but for the solution to the problem being a long and hard haul. So we’ll scratch that one off the “to do list,” and move on to the next scratch-off.


If it weren’t for the wind? We would be in the midst of the startup of the spring patterns. Trust me those patterns are still starting with the wind and without us anyway. April is typically a windy month, but this seems a little extreme. Denton has had two dust-storm-sunsets in the last five days, and unless the rain washes it out, we may just have another one tonight.

Asleep At The Wheel

In case you missed it, two videos dropped in rapid fashion last week. The first is a follow-up on the Denton Trinity River Greenbelt Disaster at HWY 380. The second is a catch-up video that went long to bring out and put away March for a long time to come. Check out the latest Texas Fly Fishing Report, and believe me when I tell you – I was tired and allergy infested when I recorded that video! I am breaking out some of the information into separate, shorter, videos this week. So look for those uploads at Texas Fly Caster on YouTube!

Weekend in Pilot Point Texas – Fly Fishing Benders

I am in the process of assembling packets of information for those who would like to spend a weekend, not far from DFW, but far enough to know you are OUT THERE – in real Texas – and away from all that DFW mess. Pilot Point is on the verge, so I would suggest this or next year for a fly fishing trip. It may well be defaced after 2024 (by more than just moronic flags). I am booking back-to-back weekend days where I simply pick up at the Lone Star Lodge dock, and we GO! It will be a Saturday – Sunday thing, and anyone who chooses to bring significant others along – will have plenty of things to do for the short visit to Pilot Point. Let me read between the lines for you: This place is disappearing fast. It won’t be what it is very much longer. If you have ever considered a weekend in Pilot Point, get there before it is completely overrun. Contact Me and I will put you on the snail mail list for these packets. They should be going out the rest of this month.


The 2022 Hot Spot text message list is starting up again NOW! If you look at the top of the page and click the “CALL” button. I bet you can figure it out from there.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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