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Monday Morning Procession

Does it seem like the Monday Morning Sidewalk column can be like, like the Queen’s funeral sometimes? Unlike the events this morning, the Sidewalk will end … someday.

Galveston Fishing Company

It was another enlightening trip that took me to Galveston, Texas, and the new store in the “Strand” area of Downtown Galveston, Texas. Galveston Fishing Company (GFCO), under the experienced management of Captain Stacy Lynn, boasts an seasoned staff intermingled with some young blood that makes for a winning team of people dedicated to the success of the business and the satisfaction of its customers. 

The spacious building has plenty of floor space left for growth and expansion yet to come, and if you ever wanted to get your eyes on a Sabine Skiff? Well, there was one parked out front, and the backside had a beautiful little microskiff made by lasdjkfasljf. 

The location is close to perfect, even though I do remember driving down or by that street right after Hurricane Ike hit the City on September 13, 2008. The streets were filled with Federal agencies who were assessing, cleaning, clearing and doing their best to block off the streets from disaster tourists. Obviously, we have moved past the “hurricane amnesia” stage, and back into full growth of Downtown Galveston – for better or worse. Hurricanes giveth, and hurricanes taketh away, don’t they?

While the emphasis inside the store was on service and ringing up sales, I could easily see this location was also established to be a community of, let’s face it, FLY FISHERMEN who have tons of room to gather, eventually tie flies and share. From the floors to the walls, to the ceiling, this is obviously a store that was “done right,” with attention to flow, function and feng shui .

The store is deep in inventory, and does have lines of conventional fishing rods and reels (Great idea eh?), that cross it over into a “Fishing” company, and I predict; will make a significant difference in their clientele and bottom line. They have tons of clothing – adult to infant, which is also an obvious intent to cater to tourists, and those who may be preparing for a departure on one of the cruise ships docked in eyesight across massive parking lots that handle the thousands of cruise ship passengers. In this case, “Location. Location. Location,” is absolutely as good as it gets. Think Orvis Key West, for comparison. It may not be a “destination,” like Key West, but it certainly is the premier Texas “departure” spot. Think about that a minute.

Comparing and Contrasting 

I obviously have a deep interest in “Fishing” stores and especially “Fly Shops” these days, as the extremely slow planning and execution of Los Pescadores moves at a pace akin to the Queen’s funeral this morning. It’s a bit different though. Imagine the coffin being dropped in the street, and the Queens little body rolling out onto the pavement. That’s my procession progression.

While the Captain went though a lot to get her shop seaworthy, and there are new learning curves for her – since her last retail voyage, this has the potential to be a jewel in the crown of accomplishments for her voyage — so far. I think it’s safe to say, she’s not the retiring kind.

In contrast, the birthing pains of Los Pescadores are … well, although my wife had her two children drug free? I, on the other hand, am almost ready for an epidural to the head. The promises, the ideals and the visions I had are slowly disappearing into the stark light of reality. Advice – get every single thing in writing. Stupid simple, right?

Also, in contrast, Los Pescadores will be a shop based on community, service to the community and coffee first and foremost. If you have the jitters tying flies, that is just fine with me! If you need, say a malted drink, that is just fine with me as well! There’s a certain amount of “soul” that comes with Los Pescadores, be it the art, the openness of sharing or the predictable personalities you will always find there. I am not saying these things are missing from GFCO, but I am saying it will be a top priority for Los Pescadores.


Thanks for reading today. The countdown starts for departing to South Padre Island, the clock ticking louder, and the chimes noticed every time as October – a notoriously great month on the Coast by the way – approaches. 

All I need for my Birthday is a little cooperation in this project – to make this the best October ever! 

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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