LMFFA 2013 Richard McGinis (Magoo) Memorial Fly Fishing Tournament South Padre Island Texas
The LMFFA 2013 Richard McGinis (Magoo) Memorial Fly Fishing Tournament is getting close. It is less than two weeks away. As indicated in the Tournament Flier, this is a free entry event for all LMFFA members that have paid the 2013 LMFFA dues. If you have any questions please contact me to confirm your dues are current. A Tournament entry fee of $35 is required by a participant who has not completed the 2013 LMFFA membership application and paid the 2013 dues.
The format of the tournament will be similar to LMFFA Annual Fly Fishing Tournament. The general format will be as follows:
1) The Tournament Format will be a Catch and Release Fly Fishing Only Tournament.
2)All entries will be submitted to the Tournament Committee via a photograph. Photographs of the eligible species, must clearly show the overall length and the tournament logo. Tournament Logo will be provided to all participants at time of registration. Length must be clearly indicated by the Angler’s measuring tape or measuring stick in the submitted photograph.
3) Tournament Registration, 6:00 to 9:00 pm at the Fly Shop in Port Isabel, August 23, 2013. (Dinner and Drinks provided)
2) Fishing time begins at 6:00 a.m. Saturday, August 24, 2013
3) Fishing time ends at 3:00 p.m. Saturday, August 24, 2013
4) All photo entries must be submitted and received by 3:00 p.m. August 24, 2013 to the tournament email address or in person to the designated tournament committee member at Jim Palumbo’s dock. Email address and designated committee person will be provided at time of registration.
5) Eligible Species for entry are:
– Red Fish
– Spotted Sea Trout
– Flounder
– Lady Fish (Skip Jack)
– Spanish Mackerel
– Snook
– Bonita
– Jack Crevalle
6) The Angler will be permitted to submit multiple entries, however only the longest entry for each species will be designated as the Anglers tournament entry for that species. Ties will be resolved based upon the time the entry is received by the tournament.
7) Tournament Awards will be presented as follows:
First and second place red fish, trout and flounder.
First place Skip Jack, Spanish Mackerel, Snook, Bonita and Jack Crevalle.
Grand Champion Angler – the Grand Champion Angler will be determined by highest accumulated inches of the Anglers official entry in each species entered.
Additionally, we will have a fish fry dinner at the awards banquet. All anglers are invited to bring in one or two trout or red fish to Jim’s for the fish fry. I will be at Jim’s or have a designated ice chest to drop off the donated fish for the fish fry. Please have the donated fish dropped off at Jim and Cheri’s before 4:00 pm that afternoon. Jim and Cheri Palumbo house is located at 208 West Dolphin, South Padre Island. Map and parking directions will be provided under separate email and provided in Registration Package.
**Any Tournament participants that have an extra spot on their boat, or in their vehicle driving the beach, please reply such to this email.
**Any Tournament participant desiring to find a spot on a boat, or would like to ride with someone driving the beach, please reply such to this email.
The Tournament committee will attempt to facilitate communications between the participants who have room on their boat or vehicle with those seeking a LMFFA member participant to fish with.
2013 Richard McGinis (Magoo) LMFFA Tournament Committee.
Stanley R. Woelfel, Jr.
Jim Palumbo
Gary Tate
Bryan Robinson
Jim Burkholder
Spencer Gallie
Please email or call me, or any Tournament Committee Member with any questions or comments. We are wanting this to be a fun Social event for all LMFFA members.
Stanley R. Woelfel, Jr.
Laguna Madre Fly Fishing Association
210.414.1420 – Cell
[email protected]
Visit Rio Grande Valley Fly Fishing Clubs at: http://llmfaflytiers.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
TFC NOTE – It looks like there’s no division between kayak and boat and foot. Ouch. May as well consider it a boat tournament for those of you who care. How do these tides look to you?
Tides for Padre Island (south end) starting with August 24, 2013.
Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible
Sa 24 High 5:17 AM 1.1 7:06 AM Set 10:37 AM 90
24 Low 11:54 AM 0.3 7:56 PM Rise 10:23 PM
24 High 7:11 PM 1.3
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