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Houston Fly Fishing – Close Enough To Galveston to Smell It

Salt Fly Fishing

Good Monday Morning. Whether or not I get a line wet is still up in the air, but I am just about out the door this Monday Morning – with a lot of baggage – fun baggage.

If this is your only visit this week, what can I say? You are missing out on a lot of other fly fishing information that has appeared here every week for the last ten years. You doubt me? Scroll back up and search the site with the search box. See what I mean I will be back in the fire (out of the frying pan) tomorrow, and on the road from Houston to Denton. I have an open invite to Lake Palestine that is ticking down to the last minute, so I want to take advantage of that if at all in the cards.

Thanks for reading, and check the Instagram feed for today’s fly fishing (or sight seeing) from Galveston, Texas.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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