A Few Steps Back on a Sullen Sunday
I don’t know how many steps back seven years is, and it’s probably a subjective thing, but part of enhancing the performance of this site is to go back into the archives and add that “gobbeldy guck” at the top of posts to make things easier to find for the search minions.
Today is another great day – for indoor activities, like updating the old stories here on Texas Fly Caster. Looking back at the writing makes me wonder … is the writing today better, or worse? That flowery prose was prevalent way back in 2008. For example:
Today, a new respect was handed down to me by actually seeing them – running for the sticks and stones in the creek, wrap around them, and pull away – popping loose with an irritating new lip piercing that looks a lot like my synthetic Clouser. – Texas Fly Caster 2008
It makes me wonder what readers arriving here think about this stuff? Too analytical? No longer romantic? More information? Less prosaic? Maybe it’s (this site and the love affair) like one of those typical “marriages” we all hear about? God knows none of our marriages are typical, right?
Could the timing of the start of a site like TFC, now a scratch-and-claw for profit, have been any worse? To roll something like this out at the start of the second great depression; you better believe it’s had a DEEP IMPACT on the prose here. The economy has been ripped like a sheet of paper, unequally distributing the majority on one side of the GREAT TEAR, and the oblivious “wealthy” minority on the other side of the balance sheet. Me? Well, you know I’m a member of a new class of folk they call the “creative class.” You can easily figure which side of the GREAT TEAR sheet that is. So little is written about us; that gives you a great measure of our public value. And so it goes …
There’s about 600 new arrivals here every day, so I encourage you to not judge the Texas Fly Caster book by it’s cover story. Dig deep, and you will find all levels of sappiness and seriousness, knowledge and blather.
PLEASE REMEMBER to go to the SURVEY page and fill out the survey. No personal information is collected for use. And this survey will have a DEEP IMACT on the way you read Texas Fly Caster in the future.
The sun needs to come out again soon. See you tomorrow morning for another sidewalk walk …
Thanks Tohner. As you can probably tell, this North Texas weather sometimes gets to me …
I remember stumbling onto your site several years ago I came for the fishing but stayed for the writing and good music.I have a dinky little blog myself so I have an idea of just how much work a site like this is to keep up. Good job.