Archive for April, 2011

Backcasting for 2011-04-17

| April 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

#flyfishing #jobs Want to work in DFW's premier fly shop? # #flyfishing Simple question: What is the number one most fly fished state in the United States? Dollars, population, or any other standard? # April 12,1999 – Judge Susan Webber Wright finds President Clinton in contempt of court for lying about his relationship with […]

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Hump Day on Arkansas White River

Hump Day on Arkansas White River

| April 14, 2011 | 0 Comments

Fly Fishing The White River Arkansas Hump Day

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No Shortage of Fish or Fun

No Shortage of Fish or Fun

| April 13, 2011 | 4 Comments

Of course, we always interrupt regularly scheduled posts for fish findings and other information more ripe on the vine. I managed to get a friend of mine onto some nice largemouth bass at Lake Kiowa yesterday, and while I was fishing from the back of his boat (I’m the “driver”), I managed several (smaller than […]

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Getting Norforked

Getting Norforked

| April 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Norfork River Arkansas Fly Fishing The weather was predicted to break to the warm side in a couple of days in Northern Arkansas, but until then the generators were running in intervals at one, two and four generators. As much as the water tweaked our learning curve, the weather was heavily overcast, and threatening rain; […]

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