Fishing ReportsGulf Coast ReportNorth TexasScience and Environmental

Water Wednesday

So You Say It’s Dry?

We have water everywhere, almost, and more on the way! Texas is in an unusual pattern, which now is normal – unusual that is, is more normal. Check out the drought map released May 9!

May 7 Drought Map for Texas (released May 9).

That huge white area? That means “NONE” as in NO drought conditions. Those areas with color? I don’t know what you would expect, barely still on the map the semiarid west of Texas as well as South Texas registering just the lowest rank of “Abnormally Dry.”

In fact, with a little more rain coming tomorrow, we already know where it’s going to go – runoff. The ground is still saturated, and the rivers head to the Gulf. One of the last gauges for the Brazos near Houston was showing 70,000 cfs a few days ago, so we know the freshwater (water that could have been caught for residents along the way) is flushing into the Gulf of Mexico right now. And the rate is enough to measure an effect on the saltwater fishing prospects is what I have heard.

The silver side of this coin is the tarpon and other species, like bull reds, love brackish water. This probably means, I did say “probably,” a better than usual tarpon scene and greater habitat for longer time periods – for Texas Tarpon! Am I right? That’s your job. You tell me!

Local North Central Texas Lakes

Filled to overflowing, I am heading to my local lake after punching the publish key! Fish are dazed but everywhere right now, the ultimate easter egg hunt. I even have a tip that the giant grass carp are back up and frolicking in the new feeding grounds. Recall, these monsters reach 70-pounds locally, and consume massive amounts of vegetation daily – real live swimming lawnmowers!

It’s time to get me some of that! Be sure to sign up for text messaging on FLY FISHING HOTSPOTS, and I will be glad to provide some information via SMS for the entire 2024 fly fishing season!

BACKCASTING – Drought Video Lake Ray Roberts January 2015

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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