Tell me nothing’s wrong with the weather patterns in Texas, and I’ll tell you you’re cra’ cra’!
Look, the truth is that I have been out once on Ray Roberts, the most productive carp lake in Texas, one time this – soon over – month of May! April? Well, most of you were here? What do you remember about April 2019? Yeah, rain.
This week is no chamber of commerce week either. Ray Roberts was crowded yesterday, with a flotilla of boats huddled at the Ray Roberts Dam to keep out of the howling south winds. Yeah, right. I forgot to mention what the wind has done to the days with no rain – blown, completely blown.
So if it wasn’t rain, storms, hail and tornado sirens going off in my back yard – yes, I literally have a siren in the back yard – it was a clear day, a bluebird day and 25mph winds.
The lake levels are off the charts although Ray Roberts Dam is now opened up a bit … putting a ton more pressure on Lewisville Lake, putting a ton more pressure on the Trinity River basin and “Lake Dallas” the Dallas flood plain, and so it goes …
What Is Working
Look, if you want to book a trip on Ray Roberts for carp, they are absolutely everywhere. And there’s going to be open ramps, apparently NO MATTER WHAT. It is actually the best of times during the worst of times, but I’ve been trying to convince many of you for what? almost a decade now? This coming weekend looks to be a perfect example of perfect timing, absolutely perfect. IT WILL be working.
However, what is really working well is the Texas Gulf Coast – you don’t have to deal with tornados and biblical floods. You just have to handle the wind, and reducing the “FACTORS” down to just the wind? We can all handle that, right?
The Coast is slipping into its summer pattern, and that brings the best of times for Texas Saltwater fly fishing. THE BEST. There is a lot of wind blown water in the bay system making for more drastic tidal movement, and also for the need to get even shallower than the flats burner boats – perfect for a poling skiff and a strong person on the platform — get as shallow as you can get.
I did a “RIDE ALONG” on Texoma Sunday (talk about braving the crowd) with friends, and yes, there is a ton of water on Texoma as well, and a ton being released – every tenth-of-a-second at Denison Dam. BUT we did find fish in an unusual pattern and place. Text me for more on that. I will say you can forget whack-a-mole kayak chasing these skinny striper in open water.

We caught plenty of fish, with a larger number of large fish than dinks. We were surprised by a good number of five-pound-class (average) fish that were definitely working with the dinks. You won’t be disappointed by throwing a game changer fly, or a red-over-white Clouser. Hooks have to be extremely sharp or circle hooks.
TOURNAMENT TUESDAY – Published tonight brings details on the Lydia Ann Fly Masters Tournament coming during the golden month of October this year. We have results from the Bass World Champeens I am sure, and still waiting for Holy Carp! results.
WILD ART WEDNESDAY brings some more information on Art Shows in Texas, and whatever else I can find.
Category: Culture on the Skids, Fishing Reports, North Texas, Texas Gulf Coast