Stepping Out For The Coast
Chittum Event in Rockport This Weekend
Hey everyone! I am taking the long, long road heavily traveled down south tomorrow. Can’t say you’ll miss me, but be sure to reach out to the Instagram account Texas Fly Caster and see what you see – missing or there.
I am burning the candle on high, and both ends, to try and get away early tomorrow morning. So it will go dark here for a little while during those bruising drives to Rockport and Port O’Connor AND back again. Be sure to also visit the Texas Fly Caster YouTube Channel if you have a chance!

I may be able to pull together a video on my trip on the Brazos River with Guide and Company Rep Greg Welander – aboard the well suited Hog Island Skiff. It was my first time on the Hog Island Skiff, and while it feels a little (off the record) “tubby” Greg’s jet outboard moved it as fast as I would ever want to go on a rocky, sand barred and low Brazos River near Granbury, Texas. It certainly beats those Soggy Bottoming Boys — the water coverage was spectacular and we maximized our overcast day. Catching striper on fly? That was the bonus! Thanks GREG!
MY SOURCES say that the carp are full in on the flats on Lake Ray Roberts, and if you want to know how that works? Go to Patreon Fly Fishing and subscribe for the ultimate insider information – like has never ever been done in this sport.
That’s all I have right now. Be sure to follow along. Text if you have questions, and be sure to hit the Patreon Channel as my subscriber base has expanded exponentially in the last week! Yeah, I know it isn’t too hard to double 2 subscribers, or is it? You may be surprised. You will be surprised by what you find there. THANK YOU FOR READING! Be sure to come see me in Rockport if you are in the hood! When I am there, I plan on staying at Goose Island State Park on the peninsula – you’ll recognize me for sure (wet laundry hanging out!).
Category: Adventure, Culture on the Skids, Destination Fly Fishing, Soggy Bottom Boys