Not Only is there a Drought
Not only is there a drought, there’s a DROUGHT. There’s a drought of fish, fishing weather, fishing information, people wanting to fish, people fishing, information, business, music, art, eating and drinking creatively.
[ppw id=”157811224″ description=”Contest Heat Drought Music” price=”.25″]
I have to hand it to JH over at DFW Fly Fishing though, he has a contest going that has everyone stumped for now. Maybe a lurker can step up and win that one. That’s what happens when the doldrums hang around; people find “diversions”, filler (guilty of course), and fluff.
JH tipped me on a pair of Canadian Geese that have decided to call Unicorn Lake, in Denton, their home for the time being, raise a gaggle and stay smartly out of range of roving photographers who would erstwhile be fishers. I came across two pairs on Ray Roberts, in a never to be disclosed location, that are doing much the same, and that has me wondering; is this global warming, or climate change, or … normal goose behavior? If someone can shed light on why a Canadian Goose would subject themselves to an entire year of North Texas weather brutality – for any reason – please enlighten us.
The idea of a “contest” has been bobbing in my head for awhile, for TFC’s purposes, a photo contest. What would the just rewards be though? Contests are so capitalistic anyway … and we are not exactly at the height of capitalism in the US at this writing. What if everybody who enters wins? Trophies for everyone!
Heck, we have a well documented fishing records hunt sponsored right here, and no one has come forth with a single fish — on a lake that has zero records for fly – yes ZERO. That drought is taking a toll. All you have to do is catch a fish (on which lake you may ask?), and you’re in. Look at the Ray Roberts records, and you will see a new record for Smallmouth Bass! This record, caught by Guy Giorgio, is on a lake that never has had Smallmouth on it. Does it seem suspect to you as well? The 800-pound go is “hmmm … how does someone find and catch a fish that doesn’t exist?” Could it be a “planted fish”?
Pat Wilshire, the previous record holder had this to say, “Supposedly some people imported them from Texhoma (e-legaly). Have heard lately that that record has been broken but who knows” – from a March 9 e-mail. So, where are they dumping these ghost fish – apparently somebody knows. If I had a guess, it would be as close to Texoma as possible.
All I know is, people think all kinds of crazy things when they get crazy from the drought, much less the heat.
Category: Causes, Culture on the Skids, Music, Science and Environmental
Umm, it’s just OK in my opinion, and besides there’s a drought!
hey. i never did hear what you thought of haymaker!… soo?