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Monday Morning Sidewalk

Welcome from wherever you are to the Monday Morning Sidewalk here at the Texas Fly Caster portal to everything you ever wanted to know [ppw id=”133620214″ description=”Texas Fly Fishing” price=”.10″]

about fly fishing but were afraid to ask*. We have finally fallen into a wet weather pattern after many weeks of dusty, windy dry weather here in North Texas, and as much as it thwarts fly fishing, it’s needed.

If you have kept an eye on the Instagram feed (at left), the latest photo shows just how crowded some of the local hotspots can get on weekends. Welcome to the weekdays! It’s hard to believe a place like that will have any fish left after getting pounded relentlessly by as many as fifty fishermen all day long for two days in a row, but God is good enough to provide us a nearly limitless supply of sand bass, and threw in a few hybrids for good measure. As for all those fishermen out there harvesting the bounty? Well, it reminds me of the 2008 economic depression, where I saw so many people fishing to eat, just to eat. Fishing there is good, and I am also now, again, living the life they are, or were. I can relate. The worm does turn.

Speaking of Worms

I’ll be bringing a few new flies to PoPs Fly Shop this week, all in an effort to help my fly friends catch more fish this spring. As much as PoP (my alter ego) likes to tie the classic flies that catch fish, I also like to try classic flies in new colors. Will they work? The only way to find out is to send a few out across the land. Check PoPs Fly Shop for a special offer starting this week! I’m also working to bring a smallmouth bass river fly to the shop early next month – for you guys down south. Will it work on lake smallmouth? Get me to a lake that has a good supply of smallies, and I’ll find out for you.

You YouTube I YouTube Too

This week also marks a return to the YouTube airwaves. A lot has changed at YouTube since my last Texas Fly Fishing Report. YouTube is growing into an original content provider, and just before I went down last year, they enhanced the ability for content providers to charge for their content. Imagine that! With 564 subscribers and more than 186-thousand views … just give me 50-cents for each view and I am a working (for profit) creative entity again! Do yourself (and myself) a favor, and visit the Texas Fly Caster Youtube Channel today – and subscribe to the channel. You will then be notified of new videos as they go on the air. I subscribe to several, and with my old DVD player getting a signal, I can run fly videos (off YouTube) endlessly while working in the fly shop. (We all know how short the supply of GOOD – NEW – fly fishing DVD’s there are on the market right now.) If you tune into the new video(s), you will also see a lot has also changed with me. I am getting back to these YouTube stories before I am ready; my voice is still weak, and water needs are constant, and I know I am short about thirty pounds (scary to look at IMO). However, the fish wait for no man / woman / whatever.


Thanks for those of you interested enough in my plight last year – for reading and expressing that interest. Of course when something like this happens, it made me think. I believe my experience with cancer is supposed to be shared with others – perhaps to help someone through my specific type of cancer. I had been writing about it occasionally on a website called Caring Bridge, and now I have started a discussion board for people who may have throat cancer from HPV at IF you know someone who could benefit from knowledge about this exploding strain of cancer, feel free to tell them about the site.

Thanks for reading. Have a great week, and arrive safely to all your destinations as you go about the world in your shiny metal boxes.


shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.