Denton Texas Redbud Capital of Texas
The redbuds popped here in Denton, Texas, yesterday (02/26/24). Today, with the overcast and humidity levels bordering strange, the vivid colors of the buds are easy to see. Also easy to spot are the hatches coming off here at the house. We have a spectacular cranefly first generation hatch here in Denton as well. Cranes are carp candy on Lake Ray Roberts.

In fly fishing terms, this means we now start the sand bass runs in earnest. Reports were already coming in this past weekend, and those creeks that still allow for the free movement of sand bass in their spawning rituals, are waking up now.
There is news, what could be big news, in the way of opening up the Elm Fork for the free movement of a native species (which I just found out but have not confirmed ARE sand bass) to do natural spawning, and it sends things off in a whole different direction in regard to the 380 Denton Greenbelt Debacle.

I will be tying some sand bass flies here very soon, and will be putting them out in PoPs Fly Shop store in a couple of days. It’s no big mystery, and although everyone has an opinion, a red-over-white Clouser and a red over chartreuse Clouser in #4 HAVE ALWAYS been my go-to flies during the spring runs. We will see if their taste has changed!
What tells you it’s time to hit the creeks, or any other of your favorite spots in spring? Everyone has an “indicator” of some kind, or maybe just a bad case of cabin fever? Feel free to comment …
Category: Culture on the Skids, Denton Trinity River Greenbelt Corridor, Fishing Reports, Fly Tying, Hot Spot, North Texas, Soggy Bottom Boys