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Monday Morning Sidewalk – Dark and Rainy For Now

Rolling thunder and bright lightning are in the air as my Monday morning here in Denton, Texas, gets underway. Rain is coming on now. We already have plenty of flowers [ppw id=”133619667″ description=”” price=”.10″]

all over town, but we will still take the April showers. Welcome to Texas weather in spring – from wherever you are this day! I had the occasion to travel from Denton through Dallas – to Athens, Texas – over the weekend, and was surprised by the progress made on I35E, the main artery from Dallas, north through Denton to the rest of the USA. It is actually a safer drive nowadays, with the worst of it being right up here as drivers approach Denton (what else is new).

It seems I am getting behind with my pile of stories from as long as three months ago, so I bared down last night and pounded out the story on the Lake Athens fly fishing tournament that went off this past Saturday (it will contain the news of the tournament and paid content about how to fly fish Lake Athens). This week is tightened already – by the Reel Recovery event I am attending this coming weekend in Glen Rose, Texas.

There’s going to be a news release on the next tournament – the Bass World Championship in Lake Fork, Texas, which is less than a month away! If you kayak or boat fly fish, this is an event you may want to consider (if you are one to consider these types of things). Honestly, there’s not a lot of chest thumping, or fish pumping that goes on at these fly fishing events, and they’re a good way to commune outside a “club structure” in my opinion. There’ll be a need to update conditions on Lake Ray Roberts this week – due to this weather and the dates on the calendar.

texas fly caster gyotaku print

Interlaced between all the fun, is more photography of a handful of Airstream trailers that are for sale. If any of the TFC readers are interested in an Airstream for their leisure time, or to create a mobile fly fishing store – feel free to CONTACT ME before these images run on the AP Vintage Trailer Works website. I think we still have six for sale, ranging from a 1948 wee wind, to a 1970’s era Excella. You can keep up with the Airstream Life at twitter – @APTrailer. I am also, after a 46 year hiatus, picking up leather working again – with the idea of transferring fish art to leather (at the end of all this relearning). What can I say? fish on the brain I guess. If you want to see a true artisan of leather, a local Denton, Texas, artist? Check out Clint Wilkinson’s work at Bell & Oak for some fantastic leather goods. Clint is a fine young gentleman, and gets credit for me starting to think about leather again – in new ways. If YOU HAVE a fish you want to donate to the Gyotaku print process, CONTACT ME and I will be glad to have it and GIVE YOU a gyotaku print of your fish in exchange. The weekend was a good one for selling my yard-art, GONGS, and I am quickly running out of those … anybody have a line on old fire extinguishers (not brass or copper but heavy and old)?

Thanks for reading. It’ll be fast and furious writing this week, so feel free to stay tuned, make requests for information, and provide knowledge from wherever you are fly fishing this week. I know you’re out there because I meet you guys in random places (like the Quick Trip gas station on the edge of Denton) just about anywhere I go these days! And I appreciate your taking the time to talk to me in those random situations, even if I am always shocked at first (to even be recognized these days).


shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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