Weather For All Weather For None
Here we go again! The weather across the entire Continental United States is making headlines again.
Although I am based down south now, it just may not be south enough! We are having sustained winds and a driving mist right now, and that has been going on all day today here on South Padre Island, Texas. It makes things a bit more interesting, and my simple Laguna Madre hoodie, which is perfect in most conditions, showed its breathable side. I was soaked through in a matter of minutes, while standing out in the mist for a family weather report. It was a quick report.
The drawings for Los Pescadores Coffee & Outfitters are in our hands now, and I am learning a lot about how this whole building thing works … or does not work. It is such a long story, and a somewhat sordid story, that it may just be long enough to write a book about. There’s nothing like having the freedom to write an open, honest tell-all about my experiences on this part of the long road.
I am in a stage of constant recruiting for Los Pescadores these days, and I can say the worm has turned in the last few days, with some very fine candidates finding us in Port Isabel, Texas, these days. Maybe that hot job market will turn a little bit more, and we can actually get enough good help … so that I can go home every once-in-awhile … maybe. IF YOU are interested in working in Port Isabel, Texas, for a brand new Coffee and Outfitter (fly shop)? Please click HERE and follow through. You already know me, so you’re halfway home.