CausesScience and EnvironmentalTexas Water Conservation

Water Rescue on the Denton Greenbelt Corridor

I was tipped off, by a blotter reader, this morning that a multi-organizational rescue took place along the Denton Greenbelt Corridor between FM428 Park and the HWY380 Park. Helicopters were called in to extract the stranded boaters. The rescue was wrapped up late last night with no further information available from respective sources involved in the rescue.

The operation, involving TPWD, Denton Fire Department, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, Roanoake Fire Department and Little Elm Fire Department, rescued two boaters who became stranded because of debris in the waterway.

Does anyone besides me see the liabilities here? My latest gain in knowledge is: The land that encompasses the Denton Greenbelt Corridor is LEASED by the City of Denton TO Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, and the US Army Corps of Engineers is still not a player, although you can bet they will get named in any lawsuits as well. Obviously, the deepest pockets would be the USACE, and now that a cadre of lawyers have this liability on their radars? I pity the government employees who don’t see this coming, but you’ve been informed.

Whether it was a, “Bubba Moment,” or a bold adventure gone wrong, we may never know, but what lead to the expenditure of all these governmental man-woman hours is, and always will be; the log jams along the Denton Trinity Greenbelt Corridor.

The flow at the Dam yesterday, the day of the Denton Greenbelt water rescue, was at 2550 cfs. which is not nothing, but would be on the upper end of manageable IF the waterway was cleared of the trees and debris that cause dangerous blockages and choke points.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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