Tag: #dentonparksandrec

USACE Fort Worth Texas Responds

USACE Fort Worth Texas Responds

| July 12, 2024 | 0 Comments

Denton Greenebelt. A response from USACE Fort Worth, Texas. Some clarity comes, even if by accident.

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Denton Greenbelt Debacle Update

Denton Greenbelt Debacle Update

| April 3, 2024 | 0 Comments

TPWD Fish Passage Federal Grant application for Elm Fork of Trinity misses again. Another year goes by with no end to the Great Greenbelt Debacle in sight.

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Reeling in the Years Rolling Back the Tide

Reeling in the Years Rolling Back the Tide

| February 19, 2024 | 0 Comments

It’s Monday, and time for the Monday Morning Sidewalk. Happy President’s Day 2024. This weather is shaping up finally. Maybe because the Chinese New year is underway!

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A Perfect Week Unfolding

A Perfect Week Unfolding

| December 4, 2023 | 0 Comments

Today we continue rolling the square boulder – the TPWD Denton Greenbelt Corridor environmental disaster – down the Monday Morning Sidewalk

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