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Schedule of Events at Living Waters Fly Shop – Round Rock Texas

Living Waters Fly Shop Courtesy Photo
Courtesy Photo – Living Waters Fly Shop


Greetings Fellow Fly Fishers,

Sorry for the delay in posting the September events. We have had quite a bit going on around the shop as of late. However, to make up for it, we will post our October events on our website as well, so that y’all can plan ahead of time! Take a look at the events calendar below and call us at (512) 828-3474 if you have any questions! On a side note, Brushy Creek is fishing quite well as of late, and we have some new patterns in store that should be illegal to fish with out of fairness to the fish — come by the shop and check out the latest! Take care and God Bless!

Tight Lines,

Chris and Matt
Living Waters Fly Fishing

September Events

9/15 – Saturday – FALL FLY SALE!!!
Yes, it’s still summer, but to celebrate the upcoming arrival of fall, we will have about 90 different fly patterns marked down to 50% OFF this Saturday!! Fly prices start as low as $1.00! Take advantage of our Fall Fly Sale and stock your box for this upcoming season!

9/19 – Wednesday – TYING NIGHT @ Living Waters Fly Fishing
Come join us for dinner at Pok E Jo’s BBQ at 6:00 P.M. and/or join us back at the shop at 7:00 P.M. for Fly Tying. We now have round table fly tying and a scheduled “Fly of the Week.” The Fly of the week for 9/19 is our own CDC Caddis. If you have a Marc Petitjean Magic Tool then feel free to bring it. We will have several available during the class for student use.


10:00 A.M. — Fall Warmwater Fly Fishing / Presenter: Chris Johnson
Come and learn the most important points of fall warmwater fishing! Fall is one of our favorite times to fish and its arrival triggers awesome feeding activity that many fly fishers miss out on! Come and learn how to make the most of fall fishing in the Texas Hill Country!

1:00 P.M. — Tying Your Own Poppers / Presenter: John Maddux
John Maddux is a good friend of the shop and he ties the finest bass poppers we have ever seen! He is a gifted teacher and is a true master at his craft! Come learn how to make perfect bass poppers and take advantage of the early fall topwater bite! John has come to the shop before and the event was standing room only, so make sure that you get here early!

4:00 P.M. — Articulated Streamer Tying Demo / Presenters: Matt and Chris
If there is one fly to have in your box during the fall season its BIG STREAMERS! Bass are wanting a big meal before winter sets in and we are going to show you how to tie the T-bone steaks of the fly world! Articulated/Jointed streamers will help you catch larger fish this season, and we have some tying tricks that will help you put more flies in your box and more fish on your line!

9/26 – Wednesday – Tying Night @ Living Waters Fly Fishing.
We meet at Pok E Jo’s BBQ in Round Rock for dinner at 6:00 P.M. and then meet back at LWFF at 7:00 P.M. for tying. Call the shop at (512) 828-FISH for more info. The “Fly of the Week” is Chris’s Rio Getter

9/27 – Thursday — Living Waters After-hours (Fishing)
September Location: Memorial Park in Round Rock (Brushy Creek).
Living Waters After-hours is a standing event that will be held on the 4th Thursday of every month from 6:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. — the event is completely free of charge. The 4th Thursday meeting is held on the water at a local fishery of our choosing that will be announced in advance. (once the time change in the fall shortens the days, instead of meeting on the water, we will meet in the shop for tying/fishing clinics until spring rolls back around with longer daylight hours) This month, we will meet at Memorial Park in Round Rock (Brushy Creek) to fish at 6:00p.m. and will fish until dark-thirtyish. Matt will be available to help “guide” anyone who desires coaching in fly selection, presentation, and sight fishing. This is designed to be an on-the-water learning experience and we hope to see you there! If there are any questions, please call the shop at (512) 828-FISH.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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