AdventureBlue RiverFishing ReportsFly Fishing for TroutOklahoma Report

Monday Morning Time Warp

Early Light and Early Dark

What happened to the movement for getting rid of daylight savings in the USA? Sure, I was fumbling around in the dark Saturday morning, but that’s how it goes as the planets shift. I wonder how our local flat-earther explains the length of daylight away? It’s probably the same way some people explain away their real estate valuations …

Houston Weather

I’ve been in HTown for a few days now, and the weather is great! Not that I need to expand and drone on, but the clouds build in the afternoon, and the humidity does offset the cool. What’s not to love about that coastal warming?

Blue River Oklahoma Fly Fishing

My sources tell me stocking the Blue River in South Central Oklahoma started for the season. That brings up questions all the time, ones that used to be easily answered, but not as much in recent seasons. The Oklahoma crew used to announce stocking days, and they were pretty openly scheduled for the same weekdays every week or two or few. That lead to a good old fashion Oklahoma blood sport over time, where people would show up where the trucks were piping in a fresh load of synthetic fish, catch and take all they could, and then come back the next day and repeat the process. The fish, still swimming in circles, were gone in a matter of days.

Of course, they still get pillaged, but there is a little cat-and-mouse thrown into the game by the Oklahoma Wildlife Department – they don’t tell when they are stocking, and it’s a bit harder to locate their droppings, harder than the blue-barrel days. When it comes to the best of the Blue River, the catch-and-release area, I have personally been frustrated by my fly fishing there in recent seasons.

Whether it is the weather, or the volume of stocking, or the certainty of poachers, water flow … you name the variable here … fly fishing the catch-and-release (C-n-R) has been, at a minimum, frustrating. Unfortunately, I was unable to visit the C-n-R enough times to find a pattern that would narrow down the variables. I’ll take my best guess, and it takes no science to make this guess; poachers are making a real dent in the Blue River C-n-R area, is a first guess, and fewer stockings is my second best guess.

Check out the Texas Fly Caster YouTube playlist – Fly Fishing Blue River Oklahoma

Texas Invaders! Interested in Meeting at the Blue?

If any readers are interested in a Blue River gathering of Texas Invaders, feel free to hit my CONTACT page, or better yet – comment on this post. We can triangulate a date, or days, and go from there!

Thanks for reading today, and have a fantastic week! Be sure to check out the Wild Art Wednesday post and of course take a look back at the ChatGPT story about fly tying that posted yesterday!

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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