Monday Morning Sidewalk: Are You Ready for the Weather?
texas fly fishing #flyfishing carp news fishing tips texas conditions
Watch the video of course!
Welcome to wherever you are this fine Monday morning. Mondays continue to be a phenomenal reading day for Texas Fly Caster, I assume that is because everyone only goes into work one day a week, and fly fishes the other six? Yeah, I could be wrong about that, but in a perfect world it would work something like that wouldn’t it?
As I say in the video above, there will be days when the Monday Morning Sidewalks (MMS) are canned. Canned means that, for one reason or other, I had to prerecord the MMS to insure that it got done. That will wax and wane as work of other veins takes control of time. I trust the jest of a Monday morning shows through and the entire “pre recording” concept doesn’t turn readers into a bunch of jaded rerun haters. The content is FRESH, except that it’s twelve hours old. Not so bad.
The weather is the big bad bear this week, in what weather heads say is going to be almost unprecedented; a cool off of epic proportions is coming. And we hadn’t even had our thirty straight day run of 100’s yet!
Be sure to watch the video for a beginner-intermediate tip at the end. It’s about fly fishing leaders, and how to save money on those.
Category: Culture on the Skids, Fishing Reports, North Texas