AdventureCulture on the SkidsIndustryOn The Road

Monday Morning Mashup

By the time you read this, I will probably already be running around on nearby (right outside this hotel room) Lake Guntersville in Norteastern Alabama. I am free to tell you what the reasons are, but this is certainly a beautiful location and quite photogenic.

The distances across the lake are deceptive because of the forested mountains surrounding it. The lake water itself is very clear, and much of the nearshore areas are overgrown with submerged vegetation. We have yet to be on the lake, or really explore it, but if you look at it on the map you can see it’s a long north-south lake, and huge at nearly 70-thousand acres – roughly three times the size of Lake Ray Roberts. I got away without a card reader, so I will get the tourist photos to you when available.

It looks like I am back in Texas early Wednesday, but in the meantime I have the ample nose to the grindstone. The next saltwater trip is now THIS MONTH – July 20 to compete in the Lydia Ann Flymasters Tournament in Port Aransas. Since the trip to Port O’Connor, TX, I know I have the right flies for the Lydia Ann, but being “downgraded” from a plus bay boat to a kayak … at least keeps me eternally humble.

I’ll start working on the Port O “movie” during the holidays, have a slideshow of what our yard’s xeriscaping looks like for Water Wednesday, and maybe bring you some other random action in our neck of the woods.

July 6 is the outing with Fort Worth Fly Fishers, and I have yet to get a headcount on that little jaunt, but if you’re going, I’ll need you to add your name to the comments section here. It will be limited to four people for two groups at two hours of on the water learning. First come, first reserved.


shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

One thought on “Monday Morning Mashup

  • I would like to be included in the 10:00 AM group this Saturday for carp fishing 101. I am a member of FWFF

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