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Monday Morning Freeze Out

It’s 39 and Climbing

REMINDER: I have had a year off from North Texas cold weather. So this is new to my old brain today.

Happy Monday Morning

I hope we all had the happy-happy-happy we could stand over last week’s Thanksgiving, and are ready to do a major gear shift without grinding, in the next few weeks!

My thinking is: If it’s this damn cold, why not go where it’s colder? It starts with getting ready, and yesterday a few hours were invested in re-lacing my Simms Boots for whatever comes next. It pays to think from head to toe when it comes to stepping into freezing cold water, as much as it does when stepping onto my casting platform at 98-degrees in the shade. And personally, if my toes are cold? I am one miserable mofo. Check out: a Short about Simms Boot Lacing with 550 Paracord.

Local birds eating the stocker trout in Denton, Texas, last week.

The Window

Right now the window is wide open for an uncrowded adventure to parts little known and not recently traveled. My fascination with Oklahoma’s wonders is building with everything I read about that State’s fishing opportunities. And while I can find no one to disagree with the statement that BendBow is Done, but it doesn’t mean – to me – there’s nothing left to see, and step away from OK.

That window is going to close again soon, when public schools release students for the winter-Christmas break. That unleashes the teachers, administrators and students to hit the commons of Oklahoma, Texas and beyond. Then it opens again in January as they all report for duty. Overlay all the other variables I have talked about for years, and the windows can amount to getting this fat man through the eye of a needle.

The Video Realm – The Complete Cast

I took on the task of working on a customized video for folks taking my fly rod casting lessons, and this segment – The Double Haul – will be made public when it’s done. The bulk of the instructional videos are private access – and part of my customer’s experience when taking lessons from me – but this one is best made public because of the actual topic of double haul casting. The double haul is almost a mystical thing that is daunting to casters learning to cast, but when I slowly ran through “The Complete Cast” I realized just how much emphasis Lefty and Ed put on the double haul and what a weapon they consider it to be. That convinced me to personalize the technique for my casting students.

No Shortage Double Haul of Information Here!

BUT, what I wanted to do is take advantage of the ease of using small cameras for different angles and the drone for a truly unique angle for looking at the double haul. Imagine what Lefty would have done with all the technology today! My direct contact with him let me know he was forever into photography and technology as a way of bringing his messages to the people. So maybe this will help someone. NOTE: “The Complete Cast” appears to be out of print.

The Complete Cast with Lefty Kreh and Ed Jaworowski from Temple Fork Outfitters on Vimeo.

Thanks for reading. Have a great week. Let me know when you get free, and where you’re headed!

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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