Monday Evening Sidewalk
The time for a little bit of variety is NOW! This is your Monday Sidewalk, and although it came out this morning, my mathematical minions NOW tell me I am deeply embedded in a “Sunsetter” crowd. I wish some of you GOATs had told me a little sooner — that I was interrupting your sleep cycle by getting myself up at 4am. to try and hit the morning commute crowd! There is NO morning commute crowd that tunes into fly fishing on the way to their work!!
I have invested almost twenty years, the blink of a bloodshot eye, trying to bring value and a dose of love to the readers that come here to read. Sometimes, I just need to tell you about the moon, tides and stinky chain pickerel in Daingerfield though! Because that DOES have value! So with no further ado, please feel free to watch today’s timewarped sidewalk. You can comment here, or on the actual YouTube video AND that will get you a response from me. Keyword today – E N G A G E!