AdventureCulture on the SkidsTexas Skiff

Monday A Concrete Sidewalk-ing Gray Day

Fly Fishing in Texas on Hold as Weather Dominates Again

Good Monday Morning! I only have one question: How do you keep a dog from drinking your coffee from the cup on the table sitting right in front of you? I tried crying a minute ago, and I think that may have worked …

Spring is a fickle thing. The overcast, wind and threats of rain are keeping me from cranking up and going out on a search mission yet again today. To say it’s frustrating is an understatement, and frustrating is a word that I consider an umbrella comment covering a lot of fly fishing situations in North Texas right now. Frustrating.

Many of the “mods” to the skiff are getting knocked out due to this weather though. Having the skiff sitting right here in front of me means one of two things: 1) working on it, or, 2) wishing I was on it out there somewhere. Impatience.

As soon as I am free to roam, and the weather cooperates, you can bet we will be doing things differently this year. An earlier post pretty much pointed our direction(s) to walk away from local fish to go find fish elsewhere. Yes, I know it’s a cardinal sin, but I’m no saint. Go.

Our North Texas fly fishing community has definitely come out of hibernation. The e-mails for lessons and trips have already exceeded last year at this time. It’s funny that a day on a calendar, or a day or two of warm weather awakens the fly fishing bears so easily. A few years ago, we had a school-shutting snowstorm on March 14! North Texas is such a fickle fly fishing mistress.

The sun is up somewhere because they say it is so, but here we are left in grey, guessing. The clock tells me it’s time to go though. Dogs need walking, and the skiff needs caressing …

Be sure to look back to last week’s report available in this post – and on YouTube. It always comes at the end of the week, and leads through the end of this week.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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