Culture on the SkidsEast TexasFishing Reports

Hump Day Okay at Lake Conroe

I finally got away for a few hours, and headed up to Lake Conroe from The Woodlands this afternoon. Rain and cooler temperatures were closing in, but I had heard second hand that carp were in spawn mode on the south side of the lake. I’m not sure exactly where any access is on the south side, as it is well developed with McMansions and other civilization. That’s an interesting change from the Ray Roberts wilderness experience, but I didn’t stop and smell the roses until I got all the way around and back to a spot I had fished before – right on 150 at the northern reaches of Lake Conroe. Another reason that I kept going was to get out of the wind, which by 4-pm, was generating swells of 1-2 feet in open water and whitecaps all the way across.

I parked the obligatory 10 feet from pavement, loaded up and walked in along a well worn path … that includes a lot of trash. Lake Conroe does have a lot of trash, and this stretch inside the Sam Houston National Park is no exception.

I have some video to go with this story, so I will just leave the tease here and hope you tune in tomorrow for “the rest of the story” as Paul Harvey would say.

NOTE – There’s a new feature on the site that will reference past posts on related topics. All you have to do is click on this story (the headline), and it should reveal any related stories at the bottom.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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