Fly Fishing the Guadalupe River in the Texas Hill Country – Series Introduction
It’s time to write the penultimate multi-part post on Guadalupe River fly fishing. It’s a task that may sound small, or insignificant, but with a big buzz this fall about holdover trout, Guadalupe River restoration projects, stocking, entomology classes and a plethora of additional topics and sub-topics, I would rather stop right -HERE- and go fish the Guad. (as it’s affectionately called).
Yes, there are plenty of readers who think the Guadalupe trout fishery is much ado about nothing, but you will find that “local” or “Texas pride,” doesn’t discriminate much if it’s Texas – great, good, average or bad. I guess we’re just different that way.
One thing is certain, after years of ups and downs, a 2002 epic flood, and all that comes with Central Texas, this year there’s a lot of talk about holdover trout and a fishery that could be ready for a breakout winter season. And it’s not like those who know didn’t see this coming. This has been an exceptional year for Texas weather with brief periods of typical Texas weather, but also rain when we needed it most as well as milder temperatures.
If you are reading this from the comfort of Comfort, or the state capital, you know it’s a long way from there to the next nearest trout fishery. And for those of you reading from other states, don’t forget that, with all due respect, Texas is a big state. Dallas is 200 miles from Beaver’s Bend/Broken Bow (BB), but that puts Austin at more than 400. Draw a 400 mile circle around Austin, and you are deep in the salt – deep salt. If you fly fish Texas, you have to take the salt if given the choice. So in North Texas, the choice is equally pragmatic; BB at 200-miles and the Blue River at less than 100-miles, are sufficient for what’s come to be known in my circles as a “trout fix.”
I will be drawing on research from the internet as well as a few books and maps. I will list references so that you can do your own, more in depth, reading later. There is always the possibility of errors on the internet, so feel free to register corrections to any factual errors. If I recall correctly, I have fished the Guad only twice, and also attended an all-important, and oft referenced Rob Woodruff entomology class on the Guad.
That’s all about to change, with a GRTU lease permit in hand, it’s time to head south. The best way to fact check this series is to use it to see how well it dovetails with reality on the Guad. You should expect no less.
Once the last post on the Guadalupe runs, the TPWD Texas trout stocking schedule should already be on their site. So, I also have a series on trout flies for those just getting started down trout road. Sometimes it helps to roll back to the beginning and get back to dotting the “i’s” and “crossing the t’s.” If you are overwhelmed by scuds and sowbugs, don’t know your nymph from your midge – this series is for you.
Probably the best place to start is with the proper pronunciation of “Guadalupe.” Guadalupe is a Mexican word and the “Gu” is pronounced “wa,” with a long “a” – like Wah-Wah pedal. If you want to drive me into the depths of insanity, just pronounce the “gu” as a US “gw” when we order guacamole’ at Guero’s or Los Cucos.
HERE IS SOME OF THE INFORMATION YOU WILL FIND IN “The Compleat Guadalupe River Fly Fisher – The Series”
– History of the Guadalupe
– Fly Fishing Today on the Guadalupe River
– Professional Guides of the Guadalupe | Links
– DIY on the Guadalupe | Links | Maps | Hatch Charts | Methods | Books
– Guadalupe Flavors – Restaurants | Fly Shops | Lodging | Annual Events
If you are anxious to cut to the chase, go to Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited, the Trout Unlimited chapter with its epicenter around the only sustained Texas trout fishery. When there, you will want to join both the national TU and GRTU. Once you have done that, it’s like you have discovered a secret door, or passage way in your favorite video game. Now you can unfold the wallet one more time and fork over the 95-dollar minimum for the GRTU lease access permit. SIGN UP FOR ROB WOODRUFF’s ENTOMOLOGY CLASS on the Guadalupe December 4 and 5, 2010.
Thanks for your continued reading, grab a (512) and get ready for the “compleat” scoop on Guadalupe River Fly Fishing. Feel free to convert another monologue into a discussion by adding your knowledge to complete “The Compleat Guadalupe Rivver Fly Fisher.”
Just found that link to a story. Lots of great details through a local’s eyes – John Jefferson.