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Fly Fishing Movies Review I4F Tour Stop Texas

Despite a torrential night of rain, the fly fishers who attended last night’s got their cup filled with plenty of visual inspiration that just about always leads me to a case of fly fishing fever.

The event, not to mistaken with the F3t – Fly Fishing Film Tour – was the tour stop of the International Fly Fishing Film Festival’s 2023 film finalists, and it happened in The Colony, Texas.

Presented with the help of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, the venue was the best one I have ever seen a fly fishing film at – one of those Studio Movie Grill theaters that kept the torrential rains on the roof and a paved parking lot to walk to once it was over. The food and drink was also a convenience, so as not to miss a minute of the show.

Everyone has their own opinion, but my takeaway from the show is that it is considerably different from the hugely popular F3t tour. So different in fact, I am not sure I have even ever been to a tour stop of this IF4 show! The videos are presented with a cohesive beginning, middle and end narrator. They have more focus on nature, and natural events, than gear and fast cuts and screaming soundtracks. It’s just a much calmer experience overall. That said, I would give an appendage to have a piece of my work in EITHER SHOW someday.

It’s hard to decide which clip I enjoyed most, but what sticks in my mind is the RA Beattie & Jako Lucas video JACKS that featured Mangum fly fishing in Texas for jack crevalle, and then the comparison to Jako’s GT’s in the Indian Ocean. What a reach! But seeing the full-on attacks of flies, like a pack of cheetah-wolves, from drone perspective? That will get anyone’s heart – PUMPING HARD!

If you get a chance, go see this tour and see what you think about the selections this year. Maybe we can reconvene at Los Pescadores for their showing of the F3t films coming in December. (Whoops, I can see from the listing the date has changed to “TBD”) I could work that out that, but why?

It won’t be long before the 2024 F3t is on the road, so make sure you catch that somewhere somehow, and I will keep you updated on the southernmost stop of the tour in Texas. It appears to be the only stop south of Houston! Imagine that if you will. What a great idea that was. What I really miss is these tours going to video on Apple TV. I own every single one that was available for sale, and I can only guess they ran into rights issues that ended that option a couple of episodes back.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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