FISH FLASH – North Texas and Lake Conroe Texas – How Far Will Zebra Mussel Go?
fly fishing texas weather fly fishing conditions
Despite air temperatures twenty degrees below normal, there are fish moving into new shallows across North Texas lakes, and spotters in East Texas – Lake Conroe – have seen massive congregations of grass carp there as well.
Once we get normalized temperatures in the water, and weather patterns become less threatening for anglers; if you’re interested in Lake Ray Roberts, try early morning [ppw id=”99275288″ description=”Current Fly Fishing Information” price=”.10″]
at the easy access Isle du Bois Park. Keep your eyes open along the riprap as all those common carp I saw chasing tales about ten days ago — should be in full eat mode. Get to that spot late, and they’re gone though – spooked by the boats and crowds in this area.
Reading from Houston? Grass carp were reported last night along the 1097 bridge abutments, and after I looked at that area two weeks ago, I would say park and use the riprap of the bridges to get out. If you go during the week you’ll be all alone. IF you hit this place on the weekend, the fish are spooked out and it’s crowded with boat traffic and pedestrians. In other words -pointless.
The dam at Lake Ray Roberts is still basically shut despite the lake being less than a foot low. We can only speculate that they will hold until the bulge of water in Lewisville lake begins to recede. And that won’t happen until they REALLY OPEN UP Lewisville Lake Dam. When that opens up, there’s opportunity there. Yesterday, the level at Lewisville Lake had reached all the way back up and into the areas under HWY 380 where it crosses that lake. That’s about a linear mile of flats water added to the northern tip of Lewisville Lake this month. Don’t just hop in though! It is the stickiest bottom around, and you could actually get trapped there on foot.
The rain events this spring are so widespread that the lakes along this chain are bulked-up to the point that somebody, somewhere, will have to take a hit as the water passes through the system. Either that, or the rain will stop abruptly, and we head right back to where we started.
I wonder if passing the zebra mussel veliger down the chain isn’t part of what they’re considering as infected lakes begin to fill up.What do you think?
The lines have really been drawn this year though. These rain events are occurring along distinct lines, sometimes south of Dallas and Fort Worth, sometimes west of I35E, a lot of times EAST of I35E. And yet, Lake Fork, Texas, remains low over to the east, and Lake Granbury, Texas, to the south-southwest of Dallas is also low as of last night. Way out west, the deficits are so large that a four, five or six foot gain means very little to the overall picture for lakes like Bridgeport or Arrowhead.