Cold Heading To Texas
Mondays Are What They Are
I came, I saw and I froze my fingers off. That is my most neutral of fly fishing comments I can make about attending the Coffee & Caddis free coffee outing at the Brazos River last Saturday morning. Well, maybe I can do better – the coffee was damn good! I expect nothing less from Eiland Coffee – you know they will be our roaster for Los Pescadores in Port Isabel … it is just that good!
Downriver, the fish were surrounded by a posse of spin casters and fly fishers and pounded into submission – if not by eating, then by sheer annoyance from all the clinks and clanks and strips and strikes from all sides. I think, no I know, Custer had a better chance than these poor stockers had last Saturday. They were strung up, like shrimp on a stick, mouths wide open from the giant stringers running through, and removed from their suffering, in numbers that only go to show how efficiently grown adults can send baby fish to the barbie. There’s nothing quite like a Brazos rainbow trout is there? That taste of fish pellets just comes roaring through. More tartar please.
Sometimes, you have to call a moron a moron. I’m sorry, but it is just true.
Take, for example, the moron who owns the URL. This person is a completely self-absorbed ego eating brain. Having owned the same website since 1998, and constipating the internet with nothingness for the better part of two decades, this person has again renewed their domain name for no public service whatsoever, for the umpteenth time. Sure, they will outlive me. That is how these things go.
Which side of bed did you get up on today? Thanks for reading, and feel free to comment.
Category: Body-Mind-Soul, Brazos River, Culture on the Skids, Events, Fishing Reports, Fly Fishing for Trout, Soggy Bottom Boys