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Bois D’Arc Lake Fly Fishing

Let The Fun Begin

Why not experience a Texas lake from year one? What a truly rare opportunity to take on a brand new challenge, and fly fish the newest lake in Texas, Bois D’Arc Lake at the fringes of North Central Texas.

First Social Media Made Lake in Texas

Think about it! This is the first Texas lake formed since social media has been invented, self-generated fishing websites, YouTube, high speed internet, Instagram heck Facebook … all this technology will be brought to bear on this North Texas Lake FROM DAY ONE! What an amazing experiment!

If this is the very first, Number One, and Only Texas Social Media formed lake in Texas? Then what choice do we have fly fishers? Keep secrets? Don’t share? Don’t show and tell? If YOU ARE one of the fly fishers, some I know and some I don’t, who hate growing the sport, hate sharing the love? then you might think about tuning out this website starting NOW. Don’t read more, do not pass go …

Map of Bois D’Arc Lake

Bois D’Arc Lake Level

Bois D’Arc Lake Level – Courtesy NTMWD

Bois D’Arc Brochure – Full

Bois D’Arc Lake News

Channel 11 DFW has a report on the new lake as well. Bois D’Arc Lake Fishing

TPWD Bois D’Arc Lake

TPWD has information on Bois D’Arc Lake – They’re already filling up with content about this brand new lake in North Texas.

Stocking Bois D’Arc Lake – Well they had to start somewhere. Whoever is catching these fish know exactly where the stock ponds and pipe dumps were done. Now we are left to wonder … what other fish are in this brand new lake?

April 2024 Source – TPWD Link Above!

Look folks, Those stocking numbers are small, VERY small. The surface area of Bois D’Arc is 15,799 acres! Check out that data at Water Data For Texas Bois D’Arc Lake. For comparison, Lake Dallas surface area is about 27,000 acres at conservation pool. I imagine the stocking was conservative because there was no real ability to predict when Bois D’Arc lake would even fill, or much less OPEN FOR BUSINESS. If TPWD picks up the pace, and social media is watching? The lack of habitat – at first – could lead to extreme concentrations of fish – green trout that is. But the numbers are the numbers. I am new to new lakes, and this just doesn’t look easy to me! Take a fly, and you know the saying: We don’t do it because it is easy. We do it because it is hard.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.

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