AdventureFishing ReportsFly Fishing For CarpFly Fishing for Largemouth Bass

Bass Get Fooled Again – Cool Weather Triggers Move Into Shallows

Thanks for watching this short clip on buffalo and largemouth bass caught on the fly rod.

After the first few hours on the flats I realized that not only had the North Texas air cooled off while I was working in Alabama, the water had cooled thoroughly as well. The carp were scarce Wednesday, but in dragging my fly around the flats (Wednesday and Thursday), I did hook into a sizable largemouth bass as well as a nice buffalo.

I hooked a very nice size largemouth bass on a carp fly Wednesday – in the same spot where I caught the buffalo in this video. I wasn’t thinking anything about largemouth, and figured it was another buffalo, but when we saw each other, we were both very surprised, and without a bass hookset, and on a tiny carp fly; he was gone. I knew I would be back on the Fourth of July.

So yesterday the carp were coming back on strong, and I was prepared with some of the brightest Clouser shallow flies I could tie. They are smaller white / white with silver flash, and with the water clarity, they are visible from several feet away.

The strategy proved successful Thursday, with a three pound largemouth and a five pound largemouth being fooled (and landed this time). There were dozens of smaller bass cornering and shredding bait in one corner of a cove that was loaded with vegetation, and I decided to try a popper on those guys. They tommy-hawked it – jumping out of the water and coming down on the popper to take it. We’re talking high drama for July, and just about every species acting in ways as unpredictable as the weather.

Anyway, watch the video clips to see a buffalo smallmouth caught Wednesday and a largemouth bass caught on the fly as well – on Lake Ray Roberts July 4. This bass action should be in all the coves, but once the weather gets back to “normal” it will be gone again. When you see big black shadows, feeding head down, and with a different shaped tail – think buffalo.

shannon is where to find my other day job. I write and photograph fish stories professionally, and for free here! Journalist by training. This site is for telling true fishing news stories, unless otherwise noted.