Living Waters Fly Fishing in Round Rock Texas
texas freshwater fisheries waco fly fishing club living waters fly shop round rock
MARCH 2014
3/5, Wednesday – FLY TYING NIGHT
Come join us for our regularly scheduled fly tying night. We meet at Pok-E-Jo’s BBQ at 6:00 P.M. for dinner and gather back at the shop around 7:00 P.M. for tying. Make sure that you tell Pok-E-Jo’s that you are with the Fly Tying Group, and you will get 10% Off your meal! There is round table tying for those wanting to tie their own patterns, and there is also a designated “Fly of the Night,” for which all materials and instruction are provided. FLY OF THE NIGHT: Craven’s Double Gonga
3/6, Thursday – San Gabriel Fly Fishers Meeting, Guest Speaker: Keith Barnes
The San Gabriel Fly Fishers club meets in Georgetown, TX, for more information visit their website at
3/8, Saturday – FLY FISH TEXAS in Athens, TX
We will have a booth at Fly Fish Texas this year, so make sure that you stop by and say hello! This is an annual event hosted by Texas Parks and Wildlife and is held at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens, TX. There will be trout fishing on site and lots of clinics for beginning and advanced fly fishers/tiers alike.
3/11, Tuesday – Waco Fly Fishing Club meeting, Guest Speaker: Chris Johnson
Waco has a great fly club, and for anyone in the greater Waco area, we encourage you to visit their meetings! More info can be found at:
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